Chapter 5

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My eyes widened and my mouth fell open. I felt Louis tense beside me but I shook away all of my feelings. I'm an actress, I can do this. It's not like it means anything, right? We're only going to kiss for a picture, even though we may be the only ones that think that.

"Right, let's get this over with." I mutter, turning to face Louis.

I see the slightly annoyed and worried expression on his face. I raise an eyebrow and sigh.

"Well?" I mutter, quietly. His head snaps down towards me.

"Huh?" He says. He was obviously a mile off. Well, who wouldn't be a bit out of it is you were told to kiss a girl that basically hated your guts?

"Lean..." I say.

"Oh..Um..." He starts to lean forward ever so slowly and hesitantly. I sigh in an irritated way and put my hand behind his head, bringing it closer to mine.

As my lips are pressed onto his I close my eyes. He feels kind of stiff and I can tell he looks pretty awkward. I know he's a bad actor, I saw them all in that iCarly episode. They are possibly the worst actors in the history of acting and I actually laughed out loud at Harry's performance. They were just so...bad. I guess that's the only way to describe it.

I massage the back of his neck and immediately feel him relax. I hold the kiss for maybe another 4 seconds before pulling away and smiling fakely at the camera.

"Great guys!" The photographer beams at us and waves his camera in the air. "Got some nice pics here." He grins again and then walks off. "Oh!" He says, quickly turning back around. "Nearly forgot, when's the wedding?"

"Um, two weeks tomorrow." Louis says awkwardly. I roll my eyes descreetly and grab his hand.

"Okay, come on babe, we need to get home." I say. God, my sickly sweet voice even sounds irritating to my ears.

He nods in a zombie fashion and we walk out of the building. As soon as we get to the car I drop his hand and wipe my own on my jeans.

"Am I that disgusting?" He says, actually sounding a little hurt. I glare at him and hop into the car.

We don't speak the whole ride there until 'Kiss You' comes onto the radio.

He starts to subconsciously hum along to it and a sudden question pops into my head.

"Louis, why do you not get many solos?" I blurt out. I say it without even thinking. He looks slightly confused at my sudden question but it's too late too take it back now.

"What?" He asks.

"Um, you only have 1 line solo in that song and the others all have at least one verse. How come?" I say it quickly and he looks slightly taken aback. It's a question that I'd always thought about though. Even in the other songs, he always gets either a small verse or line to sing solo or none at all. It actually slightly annoyed me back when-

"I dunno." Louis says, interrupting my thought. "I guess I'm not as good as the other boys." He shrugs and keeps his eyes on the road, still looking slightly confused.

"Bullshit!" I blurt out again. I quickly cover my mouth and curse myself for speaking without thinking...again.

"I mean um, you're just as good as the rest of them." I say it straight after my latest outburst and he looks even more confused than he did a minute ago.

"Okay...Um-" He starts to reply, but I open my door as he slows down in front of the building and hop out of the car. I walk quickly up the stairs to the apartment and leave the door open for Louis.

I plop down on the sofa and switch on the TV, quickly putting on Celebrity Juice.

He follows close behind and shuts the door softly. I keep my eyes glued to the screen as he sits down slowly on the sofa beside me. A little too close might I add. I shifted a bit to the end of the sofa to put more distance between us.

"So, I was thinking," He says, after a while. I laugh.

"That's a first." I say, in a bitchy tone. He ignores me and carries on talking.

"I was thinking," He says again, only in a slightly more agitated tone. "that the boys could come over on Saturday and you could meet them."

I tense up and I'm sure Louis could tell, because he turned his gaze from the television to my face. I frowned slightly. I don't think I'm ready to face them. Not after-

"Well?" He says, interrupting my thoughts once again.

I nod slightly. "Sure." I say quietly. He raises his eyebrows in an 'alright then' fashion and looks at his watch.

"Well, it's 10:25, think I'll hit the hay." He says, I shrug my shoulders.


As he gets up to go I clear my throat.

"Um, Louis?" I say, as he reaches the door.

"Hmm?" He looks at me waiting for what I have to say.

"The kiss..."I say kind of awkwardly, not looking him in the eye. "It meant know that right?"

I see his brow furrow and even some sadness cross his face. But I must have imagined it because he nods.

"I know." He says, before closing the door.

(A/N) Hey guys, so I am incredibly pissed off at my parents right now. My mum started nagging me about having a certain one of my friends over and to be honest, I didn't really want to have her that's what I said. And then she started grilling me, asking if we had a fight or something and I was like 'I JUST DON'T FUCKING WANT HER OVER!' But obviously I just said that inside my head...

So then I was ignoring her cause I was pissed, so she called my dad down to talk to her. And then HE was grilling me AND NOW I AM SITTING IN MY ROOM WITH THE DOOR SHUT IGNORING THEM BOTH. And they are both very much annoying me. It's so irritating though because I just had 2 of my other friends over and then she starts up like "Oh why don't you have Morgan over, I like her." (not the actual name of my friend, just an example) So it was really annoying because it literally was JUST because I didn't want her over. Ok so yeah, that was my lovely day...




P.S if anyone can do me a better cover that would be great thanks! Just inbox me :) x

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