Chapter 17

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"Louis!" I yell. He turns around slightly, but seeing me, keeps on walking. I frown and hurry after him. What's wrong with him, what have I done?

"Louis!" I shout a little louder but again he ignores me. He walks out into the road and I look both ways before hurrying after him. When I catch up with him I grab his arm, forcing him to stop.

"What?" He snaps. I step back slightly at his harsh tone and he glares steadily at me.

"What's wrong?" I try to keep my voice calm but it trembles at the end.

"Nothing." He turns to go again but I stop him.

"It's obviously not nothing Ducky," The nickname slips off my tongue and his expression turns stone cold.

"Don't call me that!" He spits. The venom is clear in his voice and I feel tears brim in my eyes.

I shrug and start to walk away.

"You really think a lot of yourself don't you?" Louis laughs harshly. I turn back around to face him.

"Excuse me?"

"You heard me." He folds his arms. "Little Miss Lana. Little Miss Perfect."

"How can you say that? I never said I was perfect!" I shout.

"It's the way you act like it though. Like you're so much better than me. And you think you're funny, don't you?"

I raise an eyebrow. "What?"

"That whole thing with twitter? Very clever. Well done Lana." He claps sarcastically.

"Because you fucking drew on my face in permanent marker!" I scream. I take a deep breath. "Look Louis, if we're going to fight, let's not do it in the middle of the road, yeah? It's dangerous. We can go home and sort things out there." I try to reason with him. The road was deserted but a car could come around the corner any minute. I check my phone. It's been 10 minutes. Harry might be coming to look for me in about five minutes (if he's not too drunk to remember) maybe he can stop this stupid fight.

"I'm fine here." He says. I throw my hands up in exasperation.

"What is with you?!" I exclaim. "You're being such a jerk! Just stop it!"

"I'll stop being a jerk when you stop being a bitch!" He snaps back.

"Ugh, I hate you!" I yell. I didn't mean it, not really. His face clouds with hurt.

"Well," He says coldly. "It'll be easy to get a divorce then." As the words leave his lips they pull back in a snarl, as if they disgusted him.

"That's what this is about?!" I laugh. He hesitates before nodding.

"Look Louis, just let's get off of the road yeah? Talk this through somewhere else." Again i try to persuade him but he stands still.

"Got Louis, stop being so difficult! I'm trying to fucking help you here!" I yell.

"Well stop it! I don't need your help, and I don't need you!"

I see red. "Fuck you Louis! You know you fucking ruined my life but I still found it in me to forgive you! You are so annoying in every single way but I put up with it! You think I like to wake up and look around the room to see dirty socks everywhere? I don't! I put up with it though because that's what friends do!"

"So I'm annoying? What about you, huh? When people go to watch a movie they actually want to watch it you know, not listen to your irritating little voice making comments every 30 seconds!" He screams. "And what about the whole, 'no makeup' thing? Hmm? You think you're just so beautiful that you don't need it? No? Yes? Well think again, sweetheart!"

I gasp and he clamps a hand to his mouth as if just realising what he said. Tears blur my vision and I wipe them away with a finger.

"You know, the kids at school said some pretty horrible things to me Louis, some probably worse than that. I just never thought I'd hear you say something so horrible to me." I say softly. My voice is barely above a whisper, yet I know he heard me. His face is guilty and I stare at him hard.

He opens his mouth to say something but I cut him off with my hand.

"Don't." I whisper. "Just don't. I think you've said enough." I rub fiercely at my eyes.

I tug the charm bracelet off of my wrist and throw it on the ground in front of him. "Some birthday." I laugh bitterly. "Thanks Lou, you really know how to make a girl feel special. And to think, I was starting to like you."

"I like you too! We're really good friends." He says the word friends with a venom in his voice.

"That's just it though." I say, backing away. "I liked you more than a friend."

His mouth drops open and I hear my name being called from the distance. Harry. Good, I want somebody to take me away from this monster, because this certainly wasn't the Louis I'd fallen for. The Louis I'd fallen for was funny and thoughtful, never letting anybody be sad if he could cheer them up. He'd get you a small thing just for the sake of it, just because he thought you might like it. This was not that Louis though.

This Louis was angry, with me it seemed. I don't even know exactly why. And, of all the days to insult me and make me feel like shit, it had to be my birthday.

I look down at the bracelet on the ground and kick it sightly with my shoe. "You can have that back." I say, in case it wasn't obvious.

His eyes are sad and he opens his mouth, but bright white lights swerve around the corner. A car. i knew this would happen. I realise that it's not stopping. It's coming right at us. The driver must be drunk.

"Louis, move!" I scream. Louis stands fixated on the spot, staring at the car like a deer in headlights, which I guess he kind of was.

I don't know what made me do it. I don't even know if I should have done it, after the way he treated me. I run as fast as I can over to him and shove his out of the way as the car draws nearer. No time for me to get out of the way though.

The car hits me ferociously and I feel pain shoot through my head and I fall to the ground. Two people scream my name, but it's so faint. I open my mouth to shout back, but I can feel myself slipping away.

"Louis." I whisper. Somebody grabs my hand, saying over and over again that they're sorry.

"I love you Louis." I whisper, and then the world fades into complete blackness.

(A/N) I did my best to make this chapter really dramatic. I don't know if it worked though. I hope you enjoyed their big fight scene. Louis was a massive dick in it! Why would he say all of those things?! Oh right...It was me. Lol, duh, I forget sometimes :)


I don't know! I do. You guys have to wait. Haw Haw, there's some Nelson Muntz for you. Whoop.

Craaaaaap I have to go to sleep.

HOLY SHIT I HAVE 2700+ READS ON THIS STORY! OMG OMG OMG OMG! When I started it I was hoping for like 500 for when it was actually completed! This is absolutely incredible! Thank you guys sooooo much! I LOVE YOU!

You little kittens are the best ever :) :) :) :) :)

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