Chapter 28

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Lana's P.O.V  

"Why haven't you asked for a divorce yet?" He asks, staring at me intently.

My breath hitches in my throat. What am I supposed to say? I can't breathe, I can't breathe. Millions of replies race through my head. Should I lie or should I just tell him the truth? It's bound to come out at some point anyway I might as well get it over with right? Oh my god I don't know what to do.

I must have been zoned out for quite a while thinking about because I feel a soft hand on my shoulder and I jump slightly out of my chair. I look at the hand and then follow the path up to Louis' face, which looks slightly worried.

"Lana? Are you okay? Jeez calm down." He says into my ear, laughing slightly. "It was just a question, you don't have to answer if you don't want to. Its just that I'm kind of confused and I'd just really-" He's cut off by me moving forward and attatching my lips to his.

After a few seconds I move my arms around his neck and he places his hands on my hips. We kiss for a few seconds before the moment is interrupted by Ozzie meowing loudly from the floor and clawing at my leg.

"Ow." I mumble, detactching myself from Louis and staring down at Ozzie who stares right back up at me with his big brown eyes. I can't help but smile at him even if he did scratch my leg. 

A few seconds of awkwardness pass before I speak. "I've wanted to do that for ages." My face heats up and I grin.

"Really?" Louis beams. I nod and smile, getting a little bit embarrassed because this is really cliche.

"I really like you." I admit. "That's why I didn't ask for a divorce." I lean in again.

"Aww!" A voice sounds from the other side of the room and I fall onto the floor in shock. 

"What the fuck Harry?!" I yell. I look over at him and glare. "How did you get in?"

He holds up a key. "When you guys were being all smoochy and stuff I came in. I only called round to see if you were okay but obviously you're more than okay lol." He winks.

I stand up threateningly and he bolts out of the apartment, closing the door hastily after him. 

"Did he just say lol?" Louis questions. 

"Apparently." I laugh.

"ANYWAY," Louis says loudly. "I really like you too." He tries to go back to way things were a few minutes ago but I shake my head. 

"Sorry Lou, the moments gone."

"Damn Harry." He grumbles. 

After a few seconds he speaks again. "So are you excited for tomorrow?"

My mind draws a mental blank as I rack my brains for what's happening tomorrow and why I should be excited. I give up. "What's happening tomorrow?"

"You're kidding right?" Louis says, raising an eyebrow.

"I'm afraid not." I laugh.

"It's your first day of filming dummy!" He exclaims.

"Oh yeah! Oops." I laugh. "Yeah I guess I am excited." I shrug.

He rolls his eyes. "It really shows, you know that right."

I ignore him and pull out my phone, signing into twitter and starting to type a tweetlonger. As I type Louis leans over my shoulder and watches me.

Okay guys, it's time that this was cleared up. You know, the whole business about Louis 'abusing' me. So I want all of you stupid people out there to stop bitching in front of your computers and READ WHAT I AM TYPING. 

LOUIS DOES NOT ABUSE ME. Like, are you fucking kidding me? I'm a black belt in jujitsu guys if he even tried anything I would send him to his grave. (I'm not even just saying that, I did a really awesome flippity move on him and Harry when they were fighting one time.)

That bruise on my face was from some douchebag from my jujitsu class who shall go unnamed (Okay his names Jason). But don't worry cause I got my own back on him. I kind of broke his arm. Let's just say that he never came back to the class haha.

Those photos that supposedly showed Louis shoving me over are complete crap okay? I tripped over my own feet and the reason I was glaring at Louis from the ground was because he laughed at me when I fell over. (and come on guys be honest you would have laughed as well. Don't lie. Even I laughed at myself you know after I'd got over the whole pain thing)

And the last matter to attend to. The car incident. Louis, being the complete idiot that he is, was standing in the middle of the road when an asshole who was drink driving came speeding around the corner and dipshit here didn't move, so I shoved him out of the way. (Wasn't enough time for me to get out of the way)



I hit send and immediately thousands of replies appear. I have to laugh to myself because they probably didn't even read the tweet, they just reply stupid things like "Follow me" or "I love you" and then a few minutes later they reply properly about the actual issue here.

I roll my eyes as more people say the same thing, "I never thought that Louis abused you in the first place, I'm a real fan." Some people can just be so desperate. Even so, I follow and reply to a few people and smile as they freak out.

Louis spins me around and pulls me into a tight hug. "Thanks." He whispers. I smile. 

"No problem Lou. I'm just glad this stupid business is over and done with. Don't know how anybody could have thought that of you in the first place but I guess people are just stupid yeah?"

Louis smiles widely at me and hugs me tighter. "Yeah."

(A/N) I know I said that I would update lots today but even this chapter has taken me like an hour to write. It's so long though! Well, it feels like it to me. 1024 words is long right..? Shut up. It's long for me.

SO YEAH IT FINALLY HAPPENED YEEESSS! I know we've all been waiting for them to kiss yaaay.

I'll update at the weekend again. BUT THAT'S NOT A PROMISE I PROMISE NOTHING.

Okay byeee :)

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 14, 2013 ⏰

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