Chapter 7

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Louis' P.O.V

"Never Have I Ever kissed a boy." Liam starts off, smirking at Lana, The boys and I agreed we would purposely try and get her out.

"That's not fair!" She wails, dropping a finger.

I look around at the rest of the boys as I discreetly drop a finger.

Harry wiggles his eyebrows at me and drops a finger as well. Liam gives us a questioning look. "Um, guys...?" He says, awkwardly.

"What? Never heard of Larry Stylinson?" I say sassily, earning a chuckle from Harry and even (I think) a slight giggle from Lana, though she tries to hide it and returns to her stone hard expression afterwards. Liam rolls his eyes and we move on.

"Okay ummm...Never Have I Ever had hair down to my waist.." Zayn says, holding back a grin as Lana puts her finger down once more.

"Oh you guys are going down." She smirks as her turn comes. "Never Have I Ever kissed a girl."

We all groan as each of us has to drop a finger and she sticks her tongue out. "Wait until you hear my next two."

Her turn comes once more with her on 5 fingers left. "Never Have I Ever had sex." She says bluntly. I watch as we all have our jaws hanging open and at the same time, drop a finger.

"What?" She defends. "I am only seventeen! I'm not a slut in case you were wondering..."

We shrug and Harry takes his turn. "Never have I ever smoked." Zayn drops a finger and so does Niall. We'd long since given up on just trying to get Lana out. Now it was every man for themselves.

"Okay, um, never have I ever...gone skinny dipping?" It comes out as a question and to be honest I wasn't really expecting anyone to drop their fingers, but Lana's one goes down.

"Care to explain?" I ask.

"I was 13!" She protests. "We have an outdoor pool. It was 2am and my swimsuit fell off when I jumped in then I couldn't find it so I swam about for a few minutes before going back inside. Not that exciting." She shrugs.

"Well you, Miss, have only one finger left and it's MY TURN!" I grin and think for a minute, smirking. "Never have I ever," I pause for dramatic effect. "Worn a bra." She pulls a sad face as she drops her last finger.

"LIAR!" Harry suddenly yells. "You have too! Remember? We were in Victoria's Secret and we got some lacy purple br-" Harry is suddenly silenced by my shoe coming into contact with his face.

"Ow!" He wails. "That hurt!"

I shoot him a sarcastic smirk before sighing. "Fine then. I didn't want to have to say this but here goes. Never have I ever had boobs."

"Okay!" Lana yells. "I lose! No more carrot boy!"

"Let's play truth or dare!" I jump up before anybody can protest and grab an empty bottle from the recycling bin. I run back over to the others and set the bottle down in the middle of us all.

With a quick flick of my wrist, it spins around and around and lands on Zayn.

I grin mischievously at him. "Zaynie. Truth or dare?"

He looks slightly nervous and he has good reason to be. My dares are lethal. "Uum, dare?"

I grin extra evilly and point to the fridge. "I dare you to put marmite and tomato ketchup in your hair and keep it there until your next turn."

He looks at me with a horrified expression and curls up into the fetus position yelling 'nooo'.

"Okay then, I'll do it for you." I get up and walk over to the fridge, reaching in and grabbing the marmite and ketchup, then I go to the drawer and get a knife.

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