Chapter 6

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"Lana, the boys are going to be here in a few minutes, be nice." Louis glares at me from across the room and puts his phone back into his pocket after checking a message from Harry saying they are almost here.

"Yes, I'm practically jumping for joy, can't you tell?" I say sarcastically. He rolls his eyes and I smirk tauntingly.

Things haven't gotten any better as far as the whole getting along thing goes. If anything it's gotten worse. And to think, I'll be Mrs Tomlinson soon. Yay.

Like I really want to see his stupidd mates. Granted, I bet a lot of girls would probably die on the spot right now but not me. Well, maybe I would of, a long time ago...but that doesn't matter now. It's in the past. Well, it matters to me, but I doubt they would even remember it, and there's no way in hell I'm bringing it up...

"Penny for them."

I jump probably about a foot in the air as Louis' voice sounds.

"What?" I ask, quickly.

"You've been sitting staring into space for like 2 minutes now. What are you thinking so hard about?" He asks. I'm sure he probably meant it innocently enough but I grit my teeth and snap back at him.

"Mind your own business!" I snarl. He holds up his hands in fake defence.

"Just trying to make conversation." He mutters. I scowl and walk over to the kitchen, putting on the kettle.

*Knock Knock*

Oh yay, they're here. I sigh loudly as Louis gets up to answer the door.

"Honey I'm home!" I hear a deep voice exclaim. I feel a smile tug at my lips but I immediately pull it down, puring the hot water into a mug and adding the tea bag.

"Hazza! I missed you!" I hear Louis say, in a dramatic voice. I roll my eyes and walk out of the kitchen to face them all. Might as well get this over and done with...

"Oh." Louis says when he sees me. "This is Lana boys." He says, gesturing lazily over to me.

"Nice to meet you." I force a smile onto my mouth but I don't think I'm very convincing as they all give me funny looks.

"Why isn't she fangirling?" I hear one of them whisper. I grit my teeth and place a hand on my hip.

"Oh I'm sorry!" I say sarcastically, putting down my mug onto the bench. "Is this any better?" I start to jump up and down and scream in a high pitched too girly voice. "Oh my god, it's One Direction! I love you guys so flacking much! OMG I love your new song and will you sign my boobs?" I glare at their shocked faces and pick up my tea again, heading into the living room to watch some TV.

"What's her problem?" I hear one say. Must have been Niall because of the irish accent.

"That's the question I have been asking myself every day since Tuesday boys." I hear Louis reply. I roll my eyes and glare at the TV.

They don't know anything about me. They don't know that it's all there fault. And, to be honest, I don't have any intention of telling them. I like things the way they are at the minute. With me and Louis basically hating each other.

I'm still quite mad at my parents. i found out that the reason I'm marrying Louis is because I am 'out of control'. Like, what? I go to a few parties maybe but how does that mean that I need to get married? Louis apparently needs to 'wise up' according to management. I guess cheating on Eleanor wasn't really his smartest move. But everything comes up alright in the end for him, after all, my parents are paying SyCo £500,000.

I really don't see what I get out of this though. I've been made to sign one of those contracts that means if I divorce Louis when I'm 18 I don't get half of his money. Sucks to be me right now.

"Hello?!" Somebody waves a hand violently in front of my face and I swear, I jump about 5 feet in the air. Okay maybe that's a slight exaggeration, but it did scare the shit out of me.

"What?" I snap.

Harry looks slightly uncomfortable under my glare. "Um, we're going to a party, do you want to come?"

"No, I most certainly to not want to come. Have fun." They start to head out the door. "Oh and Harry?"

He turns back looking slightly worried.

"Try not to sleep with anybody over 25." I smirk. His face goes bright red and he quickly rushes out the door.

Louis' P.O.V

This party is no fun whatsoever. I glance over at the boys to see Liam and Zayn walking over to me.

"Hey Lou, this party sucks. Wanna bail?" Liam says. I practically sigh with relief.

"Oh thank god, I'm not the only one! Are Harry and Niall coming?" I say, while putting on my jacket.

"Um, yeah, they're coming now I think." Zayn says, looking behind him at Harry and Niall.

Suddenly, Niall falls over and lets out a loud wail as the rest of us burst out laughing. A couple of people stop and stare at him crying on the floor but I snap into action, rushing over and picking him up. He's never been one to hold his alcohol and gets drunk really easily. Sometimes he does things that aren't just embarrassing to him, but to all of us. Like now.

"Hey, you're back early, party no fun?" Lana says, without even looking away from the TV.

"It was shit." Liam cuts in before I can reply.

"Did you have fun, Harry?" She smirks, a knowing glint in her eye. I struggle to hold back a laugh as Harry blushes and glares at her.

Something that makes me wonder about Lana though; She acts as if she hates us all (which I have no doubt she does), yet she seems to know an awful lot about us. I don't really know what's going on, but I intend to find out. Maybe a nice game of truth or dare.

Actually, better start it off slow.

"Who wants to play Never Have I Ever?" I yell. They all ponder it for a moment before agreeing, and we all sit down in a circle on the floor, pushing the Sofa out of the way.

(A/N) Hey guys. I have felt like complete shit these past few days, but I felt bad for not posting, so here is a chapter. Yaaaaaay. I am gonna write the next chapter now, but maybe only about half of it I MIGHT upload it tonight but probably not. If not tonight then DEFINITELY tomorrow. :)




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