Chapter 21

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Lana's P.O.V

I hear a soft knock on my door and I quickly wipe my eyes. "Come in." I call.

The door opens slowly to reveal a very worried looking Shada.

"Erm, I just thought I should tell you that...uh..." She pauses and looks around the door. She closes it and walks over to my bedside leaning down close.

"Harry came out and him and Louis went into a room to 'talk' and I heard yells and thumps so I tried the door but it was locked. Then I heard Louis yelling at Harry and then he came out of the room looking really pissed and I went in to see Harry looking really upset on the floor. He won't tell me anything but it sounds a little fishy to me..." She rambles. When she finishes talking I raise my eyebrows.

"So what you're saying is that you think Louis and Harry were fighting?" I say. I know exactly what she is implying but I want her to say it.

"Yeah...sure." She stutters.

"Whatever. So where's Louis now then? Could you get him for me? Thanks." Kneel before your queen peasant. She gives me a warm smile and walks out of the room returning with an annoyed looking Louis about 10 minutes later.

"I found him talking to a stray dog outside." She gives Louis a funny side look and he sticks his tongue out at her when she turns her back to go.

"Don't be such a baby Lou." I laugh. "Come lie next to Lana." I shift over on the bed and pat the spot next to me. He skulks over like a kid in trouble and faceplants onto the bed.

"So you gonna tell me what went on between you and Harry? Only...Shada made it sound like you were being kind of um, what's the word? Oh yeah...violent...?" I say the last word in hesitation and Louis sits up immediately, a hurt expression on his face.

"Why am I always the bad guy? I'm not the person that called the police on their best friend. I am not the person who nipped and flicked and then threatened to slap their best friend and then when so called best friend didn't do anything back except scream and hide under the bed, laugh it off and then ask if so called best friends were cool again! NO, THAT WAS HARRY! SO I AM NOT IN THE WRONG!" He yells the last part and then buries his face in the pillow. he crying? He better not be crying.

"Louis? Are you crying?" Wow, way to be blunt Lana.

"No. Big boys don't cry." He mumbles. I poke him lightly on the side of the head and he sits up to glare at me.

Wow wow wow, hold up. Harry asked if they were cool? The nerve! "So what exactly did Harry say about you being cool?" I press.

"He said and I quote, 'Well now I know you're innocent, so it's all okay right? I'll drop the charges.' I think what made me so angry was that grin he had on when he said it, like he honestly thought that I would just be okay with it all."

"You'll make up eventually. Larry Stylinson must conquer all." I try and lighten the situation but unfortunately I've never been very good at that type of thing.

"That's the thing. I miss Larry Stylinson, but I can't forget everything that's happened, you know what I mean?" At this point he has removed his face from the pillow and is staring sadly at the ceiling. My phone buzzes and I unlock it to see a message from Charlotte.

Hey, why u not at work? Everything ok? x - Charlotte

Did you not hear? I got hit by a car...oops. - Lana

WHAT?! I'M COMING NOW! - Charlotte

Good old Charlotte.

While I have my phone I should really check twitter. There's probably some sort of mass argument happening. I scroll down my wall and honestly I'm not that surprise at what is on there.

@Lana_Tomlinson Don't worry, Louis will get what's coming to him.

@Lana_Tomlinson Are you okay?? :(

That's what most of the tweets looked like. For the benefit of all the Louis haters I send out a tweet defending him.

Guys, I'm fine. I'll heal quick. Don't blame my Ducky! HE HAD NOTHING TO DO WITH IT! #Louisisinnocent

Okay so maybe it didn't have absolutely nothing to do with it but they didn't need to know that, right?

As soon as the tweet went out I instantly got thousands of retweets, favourites and replies. One of my favourite ones was this: I know Louis could never do anything like that. He loves you too much <3 xx

So, maybe it wasn't true but I like to think it might be one day.

Louis' head flops sideways onto the top of my head and I look up at him. His eyes are closed and his mouth slightly open, deep breaths making his chest rise and fall. A stray lock of hair falls from his forehead and onto his face.

Slowly and hesitantly I bring my hand up and wipe it away. He shifts slightly but a small smile appears on his face. Shit, is he awake?

"Louis?" I whisper. He doesn't reply but continues to smile. I shrug it off and turn my phone off, setting it on the table beside my bed and then resting my head on Louis' shoulder. There's no way I can wake him up so I might as well get some sleep. It's 7 o'clock and I haven't had any sleep all night. So I shut my eyes and let sleep engulf me.

(A/N) Sorry, I know it's short but I kind of had writers block for this.

No. I lie. But seriously, I'm actually trying to draw a picture of Harry and Louis at the minute so my writing skills aren't very concentrate at the minute. I felt that I had to give you a chapter though because 1.It's been 1 week since Chapter 20 and 2.I NOW HAVE 6000 reads! YAAAAY!

You guys are the best :)

I'll try and post before next Sunday because I always feel really bad for not posting sooner so there's no point in you guys being sad because of no update and me being sad for not updating sooner. It's a lose-lose situation.

Love you little kittens :)




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