Chapter 19

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Louis' P.O.V

"Louis Tomlinson? Please come in for questioning." A police woman calls to me. I sigh and stand up, ignoring all the stares and gapes at me.

"Why is Louis Tomlinson at the police station? Has he done drugs or something?" I hear a teenage girl whisper. Oh yeah? Well why is a 15 year old girl at the police station? Caught having underage sex? I so wish I had the guts to say that to her, but I'm too damn polite, so I just carry on walking.

"Mr Tomlinson." A man says, as I sit down in the hard plastic chair. "Do you know why you are here?"

"Not really." I say, folding my arms. "But I bet Harry has something to do with it." I mutter.

"This is your lawyer, Miss Park."

The blonde woman gives me a curt nod and I shoot her a quick smile.

"Just remember Mr Tomlinson, they can't make you answer. If you don't want to answer just say 'no comment'. Got it?" She tells me.

I give her a small salute. "Got it. And call me Louis."

She nods and then sits down beside me as the man sits across from us.

"So, why am I here?" I ask.

"You have been accused of abusing your wife, Lana Tomlinson to the point where she is now in hospital. We have checked the evidence and are required to hear your story."

"Wow, wow, wow! What evidence?!" I exclaim, mouth falling open in shock. First Harry, now the police too?

The man pulls out a laptop and types quickly, then turning around the screen to show me.

Louis Tomlinson, abusing Lana?

We think it is a bit of a coincidence all of these little bumps and bruises that Lana has had. For example, was this bruise on her face really a jujitsu mishap or was it an argument that got a bit out of hand? Look at Lana's face in the picture, you can clearly see her glaring at Louis when she is asked about the bruise.

Beneath the paragraph is a picture of Lana from the interview. Her eyes are narrowed into a slight glare and it's aimed at me, but not for the reason they think!

"She was glaring at me because I told her that the makeup artists would be able to cover up the bruise but they couldn't!"

"Really, Mr Tomlinson? And why would you care about the bruise being covered up? Hmm, to cover up your dirty little secret?" He presses.

"You don't have to answer that." Miss Park butts in. The man takes back the laptop and types again, then turning it around again so that I can see it.

On the screen are 3 pictures. The first one is her falling over this morning, whenever we went to get breakfast. From the picture and the angle it was taken at, it looks like I shoved her over.

The second picture is her whenever she was on the ground, pretending to be angry at me for laughing at her clumsiness.

The last picture is when I offered her a hand up but she ignored it and got up herself. All of the pictures together make me look really bad, no wonder they think what they do.

"She tripped and then pretended to be angry with me because I laughed at her." I say. God, that sounds like a pathetic excuse even to my ears. The man raises his eyebrow in a 'that's a lie' kind of why and I sigh.

Suddenly his phone starts to ring and he answers it, putting one of his fingers in his ear to block out any of the sound that Miss Park and I weren't even making.

After a few minutes he says thank you and hangs up.

"You've been given bail, but we will be investigating further." He says.

"One last thing. What about the guy driving the car? Surely he would have seen that I never pushed her in front of the car."

"He was drunk off his ass. Doesn't remember a thing." Typical. My one chance prove that I'm innocent, gone..

"Right." I say, before quickly rushing out of the office, ushering a quick thank you to Miss Park even though she didn't actually do anything.

As soon as I exit the station I pull out my phone and text Niall.

All done :/ Be there in 5 - Louis

He texts back within the minute.

Lana is really pissed, you better hurry - Niall

She's awake? I jump into my car and go as fast as I was allowed to go. I could have been there for her waking up if the police hadn't pulled me over on the way over to say that I was being arrested on suspicion of abuse.

Damn Harry. I bet it was him that called the police.

Lana's P.O.V

I flick my gaze over to the clock. 00:03. It's officially Valentine's Day. Yay.

"Happy Valentine's Day." I hear from the doorway. I move my head slowly to the side and set my gaze on Louis who's holding a bunch of pink roses in his hands. I can't help it, I start to cry.

"Hey, they're supposed to make you happy, not sad!" He laughs. He stops laughing when he sees my appearance though and his face clouds with guilt. He walks over, setting the flowers on the table and then lying beside me on the bed. I shift over to give him more room.

"Stop being so nice to me." He says. "I don't deserve it. I was horrible to you."

I don't say anything. He kind of was horrible, I'm not going to lie and say he wasn't because he was. I hear him sigh beside me.

"I'm so sorry, this is all my fault."

"No it's not! I was the one that pushed you out of the way."

"Oh yeah.Thanks for that by the way."

I give him a slight push, laughing.

"In all serious though. After I got hit. Um, what I said to you..." I trail off. I kind of want to talk about it, but Louis hasn't even mentioned it yet. Maybe he does't feel the same way.

"Huh?" He says, looking confused.

"You know, when you were beside me after I got hit?"

"Oh, Harry was beside you then."

Oh shit. So I told Harry that I love Louis. Great. That's just great.

"What did you say?"

"Oh um, just that I think we should uh..." Think Lana, think! "Get a cat!"

"Uh sure, okay." He says. The expression on his face clearly says 'I think you're wierd',

"Lou, could you get Harry to come in please?"

He gets up, looking slightly disappointed. "She wants you." I hear him say, as he leaves the room. A few seconds later Harry walks in.

"Shut the door." I say, sitting up and crossing my arms. "We need to talk."

(A/N) Oooh Shit's goin dooooown ;)

Okay so this chapter legit took me all day to write :/ so be flipping grateful

So glad people liked my terrible poem, even if I am the worst rhymer in the history of rhymers....

I'm toooo warm! I turned the heater off in the office but it's still warm!!! Not good warm, stuffy warm. Ugh, it's weird coz I am so used to being too cold :P

Bye kittens, please comment I LOVE COMMENTS!

And omg I read something about Loubear dying his hair red for red nose day! PLEASE TELL ME THIS IS TRUE! THAT WOULD BE SO AWESOME! xD




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