Chapter 22: Silly Shadow

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The Fall breeze blew softly through the trees. Sunny and 79, cooler than the typical California Summer weather. Perhaps it was this subtle change of season that did it. Maybe it was the various displays of candy and costumes flooding the stores. One thing is certain, electric enthusiasm flooded the air. This enthusiasm affected people in different ways. Those who were normally sane began acting strange. And those who were strange amped up their energy.  

It is the week of Halloween. At West Valley High, the students looked forward to two things every year. First, it's Civinette Club rush week. Second, the annual Halloween dance is Friday night. Everyone is round the bend for both.

Civinette Club is an all-female high school service organization. It is dedicated to acts of service at school and in the community, as well as building good citizenship and leadership skills. The club also functions similar to a college sorority. Freshman sisters "pledge" and are "rushed". 

The club meetings even have their own version of a candle pass ceremony. It's silly, gossipy, but sweet. The Civinette sisters sit in a circle. Then they sing the Civinette song, and pass the candle around. Two passes around the circle, the candle is blown out by the sister who started dating. Three passes around, the candle is blown out by the sister who was given a symbol of their relationship (like the boyfriend's letterman jacket, or his class ring). Four passes around the circle, the candle is blown out by the sister who received a promise ring or gotten engaged. 

Although the last one is very rare. So rare in fact, Mary and Gemma can count on two fingers how many girls had actually gotten engaged. Usually there are more Senior end-of-the-year breakups than engagements. 

 Besides secret ceremonies the club participates in service projects. One of the club's favorite projects is a fundraiser for St. Jude Children's Hospital. They hold a Fall silent auction to raise money. Another favored project is the annual Spring New Life clothes drive. It's a "clean your closet" initiative dedicated to helping a local women's shelter. 

The Civinettes also sponsor various parties, and dances, throughout the school year. In order to attend any party or dance, each member must complete twenty hours of service work. They must also be a member in good standing. So even though it's a club it does a lot of good for those in need, and hones important qualities in the girls.

Which brings everyone to Civinette Week. It's a week long rush for Freshman and Sophomore sisters and similar to school spirit week. Each day is centered around a particular theme. Monday is Serve Someone Day. The Big Sisters assign the Little Sisters someone to serve. It could be a teacher, a custodian, the school secretary, or even a fellow classmate.

Tuesday is Costume Dress Up Day. The Big Sis is in charge of assigning the Little Sis a costume to wear. If the costume involves a prop, or an action, the Littles must act it out. Some of the costumes assigned in the past have been quite interesting. For example Mary remembers the year a Big Sis assigned a girl the costume of speed bump. The assigned little sister laid on the floor, in front of the cafeteria, and everyone passed over her (like a real speed bump). She also had to do this when she changed classes. It was crazy.

Wednesday is serve your Big Sister Day. The Littles are given an advanced list of the Bigs favorites: favorite candy, favorite color, favorite flower, favorite lunch, favorite hobby, favorite drink, etc. They choose one,  or multiple, favorites to appreciate their Big Sister with.

The week culminates on Thursday (since Friday is always reserved for the Halloween Dance). This day is called Red Day. Every Civinette sister wears a red dress to school. The red dress symbolizes the evening's Rose Tea event. The Rose Tea is the "initiation" of the little sisters becoming full Civinette's. It's all very fun and fancy!

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