Chapter 62: Prank Day Fun

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Monday morning at school was chaotic, for everyone except the Senior class. First of all it was hard to enter the parking lot with all of the grills and games set up. Then when faculty, and students, tried to enter the building well... Hundreds upon hundreds of red Solo cups were strategically placed, lining the hallways (of every building). Not only could you not maneuver around the cups, but they were also filled to the brim with water. If someone knocked a cup over water spilled. It is a mess!

On top of this, the front office had been filled to overflowing with hundreds of balloons. They were held back by a plastic wrap barrier. If anyone even tried to get in, then the balloons would be released into the building, since they were helium. It's brilliant!

Dutch laughed at them all, trying to enter the buildings. "MayMay that was a brilliant prank. I knew your big brain would come in handy one day. You are an evil genius!" He hugged her. 

"Thanks Dutchie. I'm glad I could make you proud," she told him with a sarcastic voice. Turning to Bobby, she said "I can't wait until people see what your team did with the swimming pool. That is insane! How much Jello did you actually use?" 

Bobby paused his breakfast grilling to respond. "Well according to Harris Cho we used twenty  tons of Jello. Someone bought it in huge bulk packages, so I'm not really sure. Math isn't my thing. Sorry Sweetie." He went back to grilling sausage and microwave waffles. "Can you hand me that plate?" He pointed to a red plastic one. 

Handing him the plate, Mary asked "Are you going with everyone to the movies this afternoon?" She really didn't want to go as she had other plans.

He nodded as he grilled. "I was thinking about it. What about you? Are you going?" He thought Back To The Future looked decent, as well as Rocky IV. 

"No. I don't plan on it," she responded. "I'm have something else to do. Have fun." She started to walk off toward Gwen. 

He grabbed her elbow. "Wait. So, you're not going to the movies?" He saw her shake her head no. "It'll be fun."

She explained, "Maybe for you, but I just don't want to. You should go. Don't not go because of me." Really, he didn't have to stay with her.

"Are you sure? I won't go if you don't want me to." Sometimes she gets in these weird moods.

She shook her head at him. "It's fine. Go and have fun. I'll have fun on my own with Gwen. I promise, it's fine." Before she walked off, she patted his arm.

Jimmy came to stand by Bobby. "Look man! The mariachi band showed up. I can't wait to see them follow the principals around today. They're going to follow Principal Hester the first half of the day. Then Vice Principal Shelby after lunch. Lori brought her Polaroid to take pictures." He saw Bobby's face looked gloomy. "What's wrong with you?"

"It's Mary. She's not going to the movies with us. She said I can still go, and I will but... Something's up with her. I know it," he told his friend. He can't get it out of his head. She's acting weird, almost as weird as Johnny when he gets moody. "Here, help yourself to breakfast. What's Tommy grilling for lunch?" He handed Jimmy several sausages and biscuits, before taking some himself.

 Jimmy knew what Mary is up to, but she swore him to secrecy. The only reason he knew is because Gwen is going with her. "I think he's making burgers and chicken." The two of them began talking about the movies, and the weekend.

Meanwhile Mary chatted with Gwen about the afternoon. "OK so we're agreed. We'll follow each other after lunch from school. Are you excited Gwen? I'm so glad you're coming with me!" Mary is glad. She would've asked Bobby, but he would either complain or try to talk her out of it.

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