Chapter 23

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"Rin, what're you doing here?" The shocked girl gasped. "It's almost midnight and your house is all the way across town!" 

"I should be the one asking that question." Rin's hoarse voice rasped. "You're supposed to be home, why are you out here?" Rin took a few steps back to examine (Y/N) fully. His eyes trailed her form, the dark shadows overhead hiding his gaze.

(Y/N) replied with a childish retort. "I asked you first, so you gotta answer first." 

The man sighed in faux annoyance, acting as if he was irritated. In reality, it was music to his ears to once again hear the girl's immature way of speaking. It had been far too long since he heard her silly banter. He missed it. "I was on a walk and ended up here. I didn't come here specifically. I just made my way here without realizing." His deep voice was low and quiet, almost like he was concerned that someone would catch the two. "You explain. Now." In the dark of the night, Rin's eyes met (Y/N)'s. The crimson irises nearly seemed to glow in the shadows. He almost looked like a wild beast concealing itself in the darkness. 

"That's kinda what happened to me," (Y/N) started, casually casting her eyes downward. "I was coming home from Haruko's house and just wandered here. I didn't really mean to, but I'm glad I did. Now I get to see you again! It's been forever since I last got to talk to you." The girl's voice grew in volume as her excitement began to show. "How have you been holding up recently? I mean, I know you've been doing fine on your own for like 5 years now, right?" Rin gave a silent nod in confirmation. "I still worry sometimes, ya know. You are my big brother after all." 

An electric pulse shot through the man's heart. 'Still thinking of me as your brother, huh?' Rin thought to himself. 'One day that'll change. Whether you like it or not.'

"I've been okay." Rin didn't elaborate any further about his life. "You should go home. It's late." As much as he'd love to stay here with (Y/N), he knew if she wasn't home soon she'd most likely be grounded. It was past curfew for the older kids of the orphanage. Keiko often let (Y/N) stay out an hour or two later, but midnight was way too late. Rin remembered how the other kids would get grounded for a month for breaking curfew. He didn't want that for (Y/N).

"But we just started talking!" (Y/N) protested. "C'mon, just hang out with me for a few more minutes? I haven't seen you in months!" The heartbreak was visible in her (E/C) eyes. She really was upset and truly did want to spend more time with Rin. 

The man in front of her rolled his eyes with a hefty sigh. "Fine, we can talk as I walk you home." His reply was short and curt.

"But the orphanage is right next door! I want to spend some time with you!" Her whiney words matched her pouty expression. (Y/N) never really did grow out of her childish habits. "Why don't we go to the park? It's right down the street and I haven't been there in so long." she suggested with pleading eyes. "Please? I'll go home straight after that! Promise!"

Rin made the mistake of looking into her big (E/C) puppy dog eyes. "...Ugh, you're so annoying." He didn't turn to look back as he began moving in the direction of the park. "Let's go."

"Yay!" (Y/N) let out a quiet squeal to herself. 

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