Chapter 4

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'Nope. She's still bad.'

"Riiiiiiiiiiiin! Please help me with my homework!" (Y/N) whined for what seemed like the millionth time. She had an assignment due by the next day. It was a simple project. Just fill out a sheet of paper consisting of personal questions and read it in front of the class. Her teacher thought it would be a good way to let the class get to know each other. The issue was, (Y/N) needed help writing down some things and reading the words she didn't understand. And since their mother was busy, who better to go to for help than her dear big brother?

"No. Go ask someone else," Rin monotonously replied, walking outside. He adjusted the strap of the solid black backpack on his shoulder as he headed toward the chain link fence bordering the yard. The boy pulled back some fallen tree limbs to reveal a small hole, just big barely big enough for him to squeeze through. "Ugh.. I'm getting too big for this." He mumbled to himself as he made his way through. Rin took a few steps forward into the old construction yard.

(Y/N), on the other hand, could easily slip through because of her small frame. "But everyone's busy! Mama is making dinner, the older kids are doing their homework, and the younger kids don't know how to help me!" She pouted, following him. Rin rolled his eyes and shook his head as he walked.

"Not my problem," He whistled. "Figure it out yourself." Rin went to his usual spot he's come to love. A big, flat rock jutting out of the ground next to an old oak tree. It was a comfortable place a good distance away from the orphanage. Everyone knew he came out here. Even Keiko. They know it's dangerous around the construction site, but they don't really care. It was Rin's choice to go there and they knew they couldn't stop him. Not that they would want to anyways. Whatever happens to him will happen. Good or bad, they couldn't care less. Plus, they were too scared to say anything about it.

Rin, having completed "The Pet Semetary", moved onto another scary story. This one being "The Shinning". If Keiko were to find he somehow came into contact with this book, she would pitch a fit. Their mother thought that children shouldn't be exposed to such gruesome things. "It would taint their innocent minds!" She would always exclaim. Not to mention, she was very faint of heart and couldn't handle the smallest spook.

(Y/N) didn't know when to quit though. "Please! Just really quickly help me! I'll do anything you say afterward. I promise!" She pleaded on her knees with her little hands clasped together.

"... Anything?" Rin's interest was piqued. "Anything at all?" He marked his book's page and set it aside. (Y/N) nodded her head and held out the paper for Rin to look over. He sighed a bit but agreed nonetheless. "Fine, I'll help you. But you have to do whatever I say for the rest of the day, okay?" the young girl nodded as she hopped up onto the rock with him.

The pair sat filling out the questions for the next 15 minutes. Rin explained some words to (Y/N) and helped her sound them out. "You're getting this quicker than I expected. Hmm you might not be as stupid as I thought." The boy commented.

"Thank you!"

"Never mind." He shook his head as he helped her spell the final word of the last question. "There, you're done." He said before moving in front of her. "Now, onto what I want you to do..." He trailed off, tapping a finger to his chin and biting his lip. He paced back and forth a bit as (Y/N) swung her legs over the edge of the rock.

Rin glanced at her before marching up and standing a couple inches from her. He leaned in close, looking her in the eye. The boy slowly drew in a breath and smiled. A real smile. A genuine smile. (Y/N) doesn't remember him ever smiling like that before. It was nice. She smiled back.

"I want you..." He whispered, wrapping his arms around her. The girl tilted her head innocently, not understanding his request. He pulled her off the rock and slowly ran his hands down her arms. He encased her hands in his own and tugged on them a little. The young boy walked backwards whilst gently pulling (Y/N) along with him. The smile never left his face as he gazed at her. He continued speaking after a few moments of silence.

"... to go home."

"Ugh! But I want to stay here with you!" Rin dropped her hands and turned around. He pointed at the fence that led back to the orphanage. "You said you'll do 'anything' I wanted you to. And I want you go back home."

"you're so mean, Oniichan." (Y/N) muttered, crawling back through the hole in the fence. She turned around to face him again when he scoffed.

"No, I'm not. I just want some peace and quiet. And why do you keep calling me 'Oniichan'? I'm not your brother, you know." He took a couple steps forward and grabbed onto the fence. "We came from completely different parents. We have no relation."

(Y/N) giggled and closed her eyes. She shook her head, (H/C) hair bouncing around. "Of course, silly! I know we aren't real brother and sister. But you're still my brother anyway. I love you just like any sister would love her brother." She opened her eyes to see a small smile on Rin's face.

'What's this feeling?' A warm, fuzzy sensation squeezed Rin's heart. It hurt, but in a good way. He felt just like he did when (Y/N) had hugged him earlier that day. It was odd, but nice. That feeling only lasted a few seconds though. She spoke up again. Words that made his insides feel like they were being ripped out.

"I love everyone else too! Mama, Ichi, Sora, Rio, Kyoka, and all my other brothers and sisters." She didn't just love Rin. She loved everyone. Others. People that weren't him. This made him tighten his grip on the fence and narrow his eyes. He gritted his teeth, not knowing how to deal with these new emotions.

"I changed my mind," He grumbled, turning away from (Y/N)'s face. "I want you to stay here. With me." He whispered the last part, but the girl had caught it. She beamed as she shimmied back through the fence.

"Yay! Thank you, Rin!"

"But you have to be quiet." He commanded as he grabbed a hold of her hand again.

This time, he didn't let go.

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