Chapter 25

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I do not recommend looking up the book mentioned within this chapter. It is very graphic and, frankly, quite gross. I refuse to read the entire thing, I just needed a plot device for this chapter. Please be warned.


Bright flashes of white pierced through the windows every few seconds. After each streak of light the loud booming of thunder followed, physically shaking and rattling the house. The sun had yet to rise, but (Y/N) was wide awake. 

Who wouldn't be awoken in this situation? The girl was shivering in fear. Usually rain storms like this weren't a problem for her, but today was different. (Y/N) had already been on edge because of Rin. The lightning that was currently striking mere feet away from the house wasn't helping her nerves. An unfamiliar place and a raging storm. What a combination. 

She tossed and turned in the unfamiliar bed in an attempt to get comfortable. Her efforts proved to be fruitless as no position allowed for any relief. This whole situation was strange and didn't sit right with her. Her thoughts were eating away at her mind as she contemplated all that had led up to this moment. Seeing Rin for the first time in many months, him acting very out of character, and ending up in his bed. How had she let this play out the way it did?

After about an hour of her restless movements, (Y/N) decided it was no use trying to get comfortable in the bed, so she got up. She stumbled a bit to the front of the room, fumbling around as she tried to find the light switch. After a few seconds of blindly searching, she found the switch. When she flipped it on, she took a closer look around the room. There wasn't much to look at. 

She first went toward the dresser at the front of the room. It held a small tv with the remote sitting next to it. Nothing other than that rested on the dresser. She obviously wasn't going to open up the dresser and look through the drawers. That would have been a major invasion of privacy. Though, she would be lying to herself if she said she wasn't curious about what was held within them. 

After losing interest in the simple dresser, she moved on to the only other notable thing in the room. The bedside table. It was small and only held a book and a pair of glasses on it. (Y/N) sat down on the bed once again and picked up the book. It was unfamiliar. The cover was completely blank, save for the title. There was no description on the back cover of the book like there normally would be. 

"Mmm, probably on the inside..." (Y/N) muttered quietly to herself as she turned the book around in her hands, looking for the synopsis. This was the point where she finally read the title. 

"'Break Her' by B.G Harlen?" She had never heard of it. After a few moments, she opened the book and turned to the final page. "Oh, here's the description." The last page held a description of the story and a little bit of information about the author. Her eyes scanned over the words. 

'What would you do if you awakened to find a dangerous stranger in your house? In your bed, next to you? Now your home has become your prison, and your body, a battlefield. How would you hold onto your sanity, your self-esteem, your very soul against someone determined to annihilate all three? 

Warning: Includes graphic depictions of rape, sex, and violence and is for readers over the age of 18 only'

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