Chapter 7

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The day ended and the kids returned to the orphanage. One they all got off the bus and walked through the gates, they were greeted by Keiko and a young couple. 

"Children, this is Mr. and Mrs. Mercer! They are looking to adopt," Keiko said cheerfully. "Two children, in fact!" Soft murmurs floated through the group of kids. Most of the kids were talking about wanting to get adopted by the nice looking couple, but others couldn't find it in themselves to want to leave. 

"Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Mercer!" The kids said in unison after seeing Keiko give them "that look". The look that says 'you better be polite and say something or else you're all in big trouble.' The couple 'aww'ed' over the kids' friendly greeting. Keiko suggested that they should continue the meeting inside where they could see each kid individually. 

The first kid they met with was, of course, (Y/N). "Hello, Mr. and Mrs. Mer.. Merc... Mercy?" She stumbled over her words a bit, but the couple thought it was cute. They chuckled softly before they started talking with her. 

"My, you're such a beautiful young lady!" The woman cooed. (Y/N) bashfully looked down and fiddled with her dress. She humbly accepted the compliment and thanked her. "And so polite too!" She doted on the girl. It seemed the woman was very fond of little (Y/N). After a while of talking and getting to know each other, it was time for the next kid to get a chance to talk. 

Each kid had their chance to talk until it got to Rin. Once he was in the room with the couple, he refused to even acknowledge them. He wouldn't make eye contact, he wouldn't talk, he wouldn't even glance at them. "Hello, son. What's your name?" The man asked. Still, Rin wouldn't budge. After several attempts to initiate conversation (and failing), the couple went out to talk to Keiko.

"He's a... special kid. He came from a bad family. They were terrible. I can't really say what happened, but  just know he's been through a lot. More than any kid should have to go through." Keiko sadly explained. The couple nodded understandingly. They had sympathy for the poor young boy. "Rin is incredibly intelligent, though. He's a straight A student, in the national honor society, and he loves to read." She said, trying to lighten the mood. 

Mr. and Mrs. Mercer casually talked a while more with her before they told her who they decided to adopt. With a delightful look on her face,  Keiko nodded and went off to gather the children in the living room. She had the couple stay in the office while she spoke with the kids."Now children, Mr. and Mrs. Mercer want to adopt two of you. Of course you'll have to say goodbye for now, but don't worry. I promise you'll get to see your siblings even after they leave. In fact, they'll still be going to the same school as you! Isn't that wonderful?" The kids nodded with bittersweet expressions. "It's both a joyful and sad occasion, but it's for the best." She explained. "Now, the two being adopted are Ichi and Kyoka. They'll be leaving this evening." She said with a soft smile. 

'Wait... I thought Mr. and Mrs. Mercy liked me? I thought I was going to get a new mommy and daddy?' Tears began welling up in (Y/N)'s eyes but she blinked them away. 'No, I have to be happy for them. Now they get to have a mommy and daddy. Now they can be happy. That will happen to me one day. I'll have a mommy and daddy one day.' She put on a brave smile and hugged her siblings. "I love you guys! I'll miss you!" She sniffled. Keiko sent them off to pack their belongings. 

The other kids retreated to their rooms and waited to send their siblings off.  A gloomy mood fell over the orphanage. Mourning the soon the be absence of the two kids.

 Rin sat silently with a blank expression in the corner of his room. 'They could have took her. She told me they liked her. I thought she was going to be taken from me. I could have lost her.' These thoughts raced through his mind at a million miles an hour. He was internally panicking even though nothing was wrong. 'They could have took her.' That thought repeated over and over and over again. He couldn't get it out of his head. He could hardly convince himself she was still here and not going to leave. He had to make sure she wasn't going to leave. 

Rin waited until after Ichi and Kyoka left and it was bedtime to go visit (Y/N). He quietly opened the door to her room. She shared a room with the other young girls of the orphanage so Rin had to be careful not to wake them up. He made his way to her bed at in the very corner of the room. There he found her softly sniffling, eyes red and puffy. He was stunned to see her in this state. He didn't know how to react. 

Instead of saying anything, he sat down and starting brushing her hair back. (Y/N) didn't say anything either. She simply sat up an wrapped her arms around him is a tight hug. Rin returned the embraced whilst rocking her back and forth. Together they sat in silence, listening to the beating of each other's hearts.

"Rin, can I sleep in your room tonight?" (Y/N) whispered. Rin nodded and stood up. They quietly walked to his room. The two climbed into the bed and lied down.

"Why didn't I get adopted?" (Y/N) asked in a hushed voice. "I thought they liked me..." She trailed off, tears beginning to fall. The young girl was devastated. This was the first couple in three years that came to adopt. Who knows when the next person will come to adopt?

"I don't know..." Rin replied. "I don't know."

Those were the only words spoken between the two that night. Rin softly took (Y/N)'s hand as she drifted off to sleep. He too drifted off, comforted by the soft breathing of the girl next to him. 

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