Chapter 15

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Weeks had passed since (Y/N) and Haruko's play date. Since then, the two kids had only gotten to play with each other whilst in school.

"Do you think you could come over on Saturday, Haruko?" (Y/N) questioned as her and the boy walked around the play ground. Recess was the only time they could actually play with each other. 

"I don't think so..." Haruko sadly replied. "My mommy said that she doesn't really want me going over to your house anymore. She said it's dangerous." He softly whispered the last part, turning to avoid eye contact. 

"Dangerous? My house isn't dangerous." The concept of (Y/N)'s place being a hazard was unthinkable! It was a place of safety and security, not of danger or instability.

"Not your house, but someone in your house." As Haruko tried to explain, it only made the poor girl more confused. Someone in her house was dangerous? Who? Everyone who lived their was either a child or Keiko, and Keiko couldn't hurt a fly! The children there were harmless too. None of them were even teenagers yet, they couldn't possibly be a danger. "My mommy didn't tell me who though. She just told me there was someone she didn't like."

"Well, maybe I can come over to your house then?" (Y/N) pushed the subject into a different direction. She didn't want to focus on what was previously mentioned, but rather how she could have fun with Haruko outside of school. 

"I think that would be alright!" Haruko's change of tone to a positive one gave the girl hope. "My mommy said she likes you. She said she thinks you're sweet." This made (Y/N) blush bashfully. It was always nice to hear praise from a friend's parent. "I'll ask her if you can come over on Saturday!"

With that, the conversation ended there. Now the kids went off to play a game while they still had the time. Unbeknownst to them, Rin was once again eavesdropping on their discussion. He was feeling, as one might guess, very upset at the idea of his sister leaving to visit her friend. 

'What if they want to adopt her?' Rin's mind told him. 'That boy already said the mother liked her, why wouldn't they want to keep her? They can't have her though. She's mine, not their's.' These thoughts were frightening to him. His sister was such a nice child. Anyone would be lucky to have her as a daughter. Rin knew this, and that scared him. 'How could I keep her from going over to visit?' 

Rin's mind went to work thinking up ways to prevent (Y/N) from leaving. 'I could tell Keiko that Haruko is a bad kid? No, she wouldn't believe me. She's already met him. I could lock (Y/N) inside? Ugh that's stupid, how would I be able to keep her locked up? There's nothing I can do!' The boy progressively got more and more frustrated as his ideas ran out. He was usually able to figure out problems and create clever plans. Now, he was at a loss. Nothing he thought of would work. Every plan failed miserably. 

"I hate that kid." Rin's low voice made it clear that his words were genuine. He hated Haruko. It was one of the most intense feelings he'd ever had. It was nearly debilitating, making him want to just outright kill Haruko. Though, Rin knew it was too risky to kill him so soon after Sachi's death. Two kids at the same school dying within the same school year? That seems suspicious. It'd most likely lead to an investigation, which could reveal Rin's dirty little secret. 

He'd just have to try to figure out another plan that didn't involve brutally murdering an innocent child. 

After Rin's internal conflict moment, the school bell rang signalling that it was time to go back to class. From then on, Rin payed no attention to the teacher or other students. His mind was focused on Haruko and (Y/N). The rest of the day passed quickly and soon enough the kids were back home. 

"Mama, Mama!" As soon as she had stepped through the front door, (Y/N) ran to ask her mother the question she'd had all day. "Can I go play at Haruko's house on Saturday?!" She gave her best puppy dog expression. Her pleading eyes and pouting face we very convincing. Two little hands clasped together, showing her desperation. Keiko chuckled and patted the girl atop her head.

"I'll have to ask Haruko's mother," Keiko smiled. "But if she says yes, it's okay with me." At the woman's words, (Y/N) jumped up and down in place, doing a happy dance to herself.

"Yay! Thank you , Mama!" Her little arms wrapped around Keiko's torso, trapping her in a hug. 

Standing in the doorway, Rin observed the two. He was silent, lingering for a while before turning to head to his room. Malicious thoughts once again plagued his mind. Those thoughts soon turned to ones of fear. Rin's mind went back to the previous frustrating subject. 'What if they really do want to keep her. Her and the brat get along, what if they want to adopt her?' Signs of panic began to set in. His heart rate picked up, his breathing became more rapid, his hands were getting sweaty. All for a hypothetical situation.

"Rin, are you okay?" A small voice pulled him from his thoughts. (Y/N) was staring up at him, a concerned look on her face. "You don't look too good. Do you feel sick?"

"I'm fin-" Rin cut himself off. He realized this would be a good opportunity to take advantage of the situation. The pause gave him a moment to choose his next words carefully. "I'm feeling sick." The boy turned his head and coughed into his elbow. It was clearly a fake cough, but of course (Y/N) fell for it.

(Y/N)'s eyes widened a bit, her concern growing. She swiftly stood on her tippy toes and stretched to place the back of her hand on Rin's forehead. The young boy's face heated up a bit, turning slightly red. "I'll go get Mama! You're burning up!" As she spoke, she started pushing on Rin to make him move. She led him down the hallway. "You need to rest." She spoke as she guided him to his room. 

When the two arrived in Rin's room, (Y/N) instructed the boy to go lay down. Resting is important for getting better, according to the young girl. Rin complied and did as she said, climbing into bed. "I'll be right back, I'm gonna get Mama."

The door shut behind her as (Y/N) left the room. Once she was out of sight/earshot, Rin laughed to himself. 'She's too easy to fool.' His thoughts began to wander once again. '...And I'm sure Mama will be too.'

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