Chapter 11

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Days passed and eventually the children had to return back to school. It had only been about a week since the incident. Yet they were back so soon. As they started their school day, an odd sense of fear lingered in the air. Everyone was uneasy. Not just the students, but the teachers too. It was like they were afraid that somehow another 'fatal accident' was going to occur. It wouldn't happen. Not unless someone gave Rin a reason to cause another accident. 

As Rin walked the hallways of the school, he glanced at his old classroom. The room that he once learned in was now closed off. Nobody dared to step near it but him. He walked up to the door and peered into the window. The decorations and posters that had previously littered the walls were now taken down. The teacher's desk was gone. The tables and chairs were nowhere in sight. The only thing that remained was a faint brownish-red spot in the middle of the carpet. 'Looks like that's going to be there for a while. What a pleasant reminder.' The corners of his lips curved up slightly in a cold-blooded smile as he continued to class. 

Across the school, (Y/N) was excited to be back. She had missed her friends dearly and was eager to play with them again. "Class, today we have a new student," Her teacher announced. "His name is Haruko. I want you all to be on your best behavior and give him a warm welcome today, okay?" The class responded with 'yes' as well as nods of confirmation. The teacher grinned and opened the door to reveal a young boy. A mess of pure white hair sat atop his head. Sparkling blue eyes shone with happiness. His pastel clothes accentuated his soft features. The air of innocence surrounding him was enough to make anyone melt. 

This kid was absolutely adorable.

"Welcome to our little class, Haruko! I just know you'll love it here." The teacher chirped. Haruko smiled and nodded his head as he glanced around the tiny classroom. He scanned each child for a brief moment until moving onto the next. When his eyes landed on (Y/N) they hesitated for a couple seconds before turning to the next kid. (Y/N) caught the action and waved at him. Before he could respond, the teacher clasped her hands together and spoke up once again. "You can take a seat next to (Y/N) right here," She guided the boy to an empty seat in between (Y/N) and another student. "And since it's your first day in a new school, we'll all get to know each other before we do work, alright?" The kids got excited that their work was going to be put off until later. "Kids, feel free to talk with one another but remember to use your inside voices." The teacher went to her desk and started filling out some papers. 

"Hello, Haruko! My name is (Y/N)!" The young girl politely introduced herself. She stuck her small hand out to the boy. Haruko tilted his head with a cute lopsided grin and happily took her hand to shake. 

"Hi, (Y/N)! It's nice meet you." The two kids had instantly clicked with one another and talked casually about things that they liked. Favorite animal, favorite color, second favorite animal. Simple questions kids always ask each other.

"My second favorite animal is (animal)!" (Y/N) looked to Haruko and took her turn to ask him a question. "Why did you come to this school?" She asked.

"I don't know? We just moved here and my mommy said that the other schools that are close to us were too full so I had to come here. She said that a student just left and now there was room for me!" Little (Y/N) didn't put two and two together. Instead, she told him that she was glad that there was room here because now they could be friends. Oh to be so innocent and naive.

 They spoke for a while, occasionally taking turns talking to the other children in the class, until the teacher announced it was time for recess. The class made their way to the schoolyard where the older kids were already playing. (Y/N) instantly spotted Rin and sprinted up to him with Haruko in tow. 

"Rin, Rin! Look! I made a new friend! His name is Haruko and he's new to our class." She excitedly rambled out. Haruko waved and gave a big grin to the older boy. Rin looked down at the two and rolled his eyes. When he noticed (Y/N) was clutching Haruko's hand, he quickly grabbed onto her arm.

"Yeah, ok. Now let's go play (Y/N). By ourselves." He put emphasis on the last part to show that he did not want the new kid anywhere near him or his sister. 

"No, Rin! I wanna play with Haruko too!" (Y/N) rejected the idea and stood her ground next to her new friend. Haruko just glanced between the two, confused. He took a few steps back when he saw Rin's icy glare. "We can play tomorrow. I want to play with him today." She looked at her brother, a determined expression on her face. Rin knew there wasn't going to be a way to get her on his side. She was stubborn as a mule. He tried being persistent but as he expected, his attempts were futile. 

"Fine! Whatever." Rin growled as he stomped away. With heavy footsteps, he went to the corner of the schoolyard and leaned against the fence. Every once in a while, he would sneak a glance toward (Y/N) but it would only be for a second or two. His main focus was Haruko. Rin instantly felt malice in his heart when he laid eyes on the boy. The kid was smiling and laughing with his sister. His. She was Rin's sister. Not Haruko's. She was Rin's.

And that's how he wanted to keep it.


I'd like to thank @Starfire_Vixella for creating a new cover for the story!! She did an absolutely incredible job and I can't thank her enough! She even gave me multiple options to choose from which was so sweet. She has cover shop on her profile if you'd like to check it out (which I highly recommend if you're looking for covers)! 

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