Chapter 17

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"I'm sorry (Y/N), but we don't have any other rooms you could rest in," Keiko explained. "I know you may not be feeling sick, but I can't risk you spreading anything to the other children. If it makes you feel any better, I'll make your favorite dinner tonight? How does that sound?" Though the young girl was still visibly upset, she lightened up at the proposition. Food bribery. It always worked on (Y/N).

"Okay..." She sulked away back toward Rin's room. Once (Y/N) opened the door, soft mutters met her ears. Rin was sitting on his bed with his hands entangled in his hair. He was whispering to himself about something. It appeared that he was very distressed and distracted, almost like he was in a trance. The young girl slowly crept up behind him, trying to hear what he was talking about. His whispers were incoherent and sounded like gibberish to (Y/N). Not a single word could be made out from the boy's odd rambling. After she gave up trying to understand him, (Y/N) tapped on Rin's shoulder.

Rin glanced behind himself, visibly startled. His dazed state was instantly broken when (Y/N) made herself known. Silence fell over the room. The two children stared at one another. Their eyes locked, neither of them being the one to turn away first. This staring contest continued for what felt like an eternity until (Y/N) spoke up.

"Mama's making (F/F) for dinner."

"Oh, okay." Rin's emotionless response was a bit surprising. Just a second ago he was talking to himself, obviously upset about something. Now, his face was stoic and his voice steady. At the flip of a switch, he had put on an unreadable facade. What was going on with him?

Even the usually oblivious little (Y/N) found his actions a bit off. Yes, the lack of emotion was normal for Rin, but the distraught whispering was concerning. She could have sworn she heard something about Haruko mentioned during his incoherent rambles, but she couldn't be 100% sure. 

"Are you alright?" (Y/N) abruptly asked. She climbed on the bed and scooted over next to Rin. 

"I'm just sick, remember."

"But you looked upset," The young girl tilted her head to the side. "And you were talking to yourself." Her eyes squinted as she looked toward her brother. Rin shook his head and hummed. 

"You must be hearing things because I wasn't talking," He got off the bed and gave a small glare. "I think you really are sick. You should lay down and rest." Rin motioned for (Y/N) to lie down in the spot he was just in. 

This comment annoyed the girl, but she really didn't want to fight with Rin again. They were both stubborn and each of them knew it. It'd be better to avoid another emotionally draining argument. So, she complied and took his place on the bed. Her brother's face turned up a bit, a neutral expression resting on his features once again. 

"Good." Was his simple reply.

"Where are you going?" (Y/N) questioned as Rin made his way to the door. 

"I just need to ask mother something," He didn't look back as he spoke. "Rest, I'll be back in a minute."  Rin turned off the room's light as he left. 

Now that she thought about it, a nap would be nice. The black curtains that covered the window made the room dark and cool. There was a nice silence overhead, creating the perfect conditions for a short rest. (Y/N) laid her head down on the pillow and closed her eyes. It didn't take all but two minutes for her to fall in asleep. 

Rin stayed outside the door until he knew for sure that (Y/N) had fallen asleep. It didn't take long at all. Her soft, rhythmic breathing was just loud enough to be heard from outside the room. Now that he knew she wouldn't be waking up for a while, he moved to the front door. It was the perfect time to go sit in his favorite spot and relax. Or possibly think of some ways to off Haruko. Whichever came first.

Keiko wasn't around to stop him, as per usual, so he was able to slip out of the orphanage unnoticed. The empty construction site was as desolate as ever. Quiet and peaceful. Though, it felt a bit more lonely for some reason? Like something was missing. It was a bit off putting. Something that should be there wasn't. Oh well. This wasn't enough to distract Rin from his original plan. He'd calmed down some which gave him a clear mind. Now he was able to think of a more... permanent solution for keeping Haruko away from (Y/N). 

The happiest moments he experienced were right after Sachi's death. Yeah, (Y/N) was much more dreary, but she put all her attention on Rin. He was her entire focus. Now that Haruko was in the picture, she would spend less and less time with her dear brother. The fact that Haruko and (Y/N) shared common interests made her spend even more time with her new friend. All of it made Rin sick. They were drifting apart more and more each day. 

"I'll make sure that stupid boy never sees (Y/N) again," Rin's hateful words came out as a low growl. "He doesn't deserve to be around her. He's trying to take her from me." Each word that left Rin's mouth grew more and more forceful. His emotions were flaring up again. By the end of his rant, it almost seemed like it pained Rin to speak. "I shouldn't have killed Sachi.. Now I have to wait to get rid of Haruko or those idiotic adults might get suspicious." Two kids at the same school dying within the span of a couple months is something nobody would overlook. It was bound to spark some kind of investigation. "I hate this." Rin sat still, lost in angry thoughts.

Poor Haruko didn't have a clue what was coming to him. 

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