Chapter 13

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"Rockcaster Children's Home, how may I help you?" Keiko spoke into the phone with a peppy tone as she watch over the children through the window. There was a pause for a short moment until a small voice other the other end of the phone nervously spoke up. "Oh, yes of course! Just give me one moment to grab her." Keiko placed the phone against her as she called out for (Y/N). 

"(Y/N), sweetie, can you come here? Your little friend called and wants to talk to you!" The joy in the woman's voice was enough for the both of them. It was almost as if Keiko was more excited about the girl's friend than she was. 

Not even two seconds later, (Y/N) was inside and making grabby hand motions to Keiko, signaling that she was eager to take the phone. Keiko simply giggled and handed her the phone. "Thank you, Mama!" (Y/N) said as she brought the phone up to her ear. The woman nodded and walked out of the room with a soft smile. "Hello?" As soon as she spoke into the phone, an enthusiastic voice on the other end replied. 

"(Y/N), guess what! Guess what!" Haruko's squealing voice made it's way through the phone. After (Y/N) replied with a equally excited 'what?', he somehow managed to sound even more bubbly and enthusiastic. "Mother said I could come over if your mother says it's ok!!" Even though neither of the two children could see each other, they could tell they were both smiling from ear to ear just by their tone of voice. 

"Yay! I asked a little while before you called and she said it was alright if your mama agreed!" Haruko happily replied with a 'yay' of his own and told (Y/N) to let their mothers speak with each other. After Keiko and Haruko's mother discussed information about the play date, (Y/N) ran to her room to prepare. Most of the toys in her room were considered 'girly', but there were a few things that she thought Haruko would enjoy. So, she pick out the toys that would entertain them both. A kitchen play set, some hot wheels cars, and some coloring books were just a few of the items she set aside. The young girl anxiously set up the toys and arranged them to look nice for her friend. As she was placing them in specific spots, a certain person happened to pass by her room. 

"Is that kid really coming over?" Rin coldly asked. Startled, (Y/N) dropped the tea set she was putting on her bed. 

"Rinnnnnn! Don't sneak up on me!" She whined. Rin rolled his eyes and walked into the room, closing the door behind him.

"You didn't answer my question. Is that kid really coming over?" His voice dropped into an even colder tone, signalling that he was growing annoyed. The girl nodded her head and crouched down to pick up the tea set. 

"Yes, Haruko is coming over." (Y/N) answered simply. As she finished fixing up the tea set , she turned around to see the empty spot where Rin previously was. Had he left so fast? She hadn't even heard the door open and close? How could he have left without making a sound?

Oh well. He was probably going to his room to throw a hissy fit. Rin had been acting more irritable than usual ever since Haurko came along. It saddened (Y/N) to know that her favorite sibling didn't like her new best friend. But she wasn't gonna let that stop her from spending time with the both of them. She'd just have to do it separately. 

The young child waited patiently for her friend. She continued to fiddle with each little thing, trying her best to make the room look perfect. As she glanced around at everything, she mentally checked them off her little list. 'Tea set? Check. Dolls? Check. Race cars? Check. Dinosaur toys? Check.' In her mind, everything had to be perfect. And it was. As soon as Haruko arrived, they'd have the best day ever together. 

(Y/N) waited for what felt like forever for Haruko to get to the orphanage. It was just a couple of hours, but if felt like an eternity for the young girl. As she lied down on her bed, she hung her head off the side, now seeing her room upside down. She let out a bored huff and shut her eyes. 

A few seconds later, her door slammed open. The sudden noise startled her, causing her to fall off her bed head first. "Ow..." She groaned. As she opened her eyes, she was met with the cyan eyes of Haruko. 

"Sorry! I'm so sorry, (Y/N)! I didn't mean to scare you. Your mom said I could just come into your room." Haruko let out a string of apologies to the fallen girl. (Y/N) sat up with a small giggle. She stood up and straightened up her clothing.

"It's alright! I'm fine." (Y/N) smiled cheerfully, reassuring the young boy that she was okay. He still seemed upset that he had scared her so bad. She took notice of his apprehensiveness and decided to try to sooth him. Jumping up, she took her friend by the hand and led him to her bed. "Look, I have a bunch of stuff we can play with! What do you wanna do first?" Her excitement eased away Haruko's worry and calmed him down. 

"Umm, I don't know." Haruko glanced at all of the toys and other items around the room before his eyes landed on the doll house. There were many dolls and accessories to choose from. He was hesitant, almost too nervous, to ask the question, but eventually he built up the courage to speak. "...Can we play with the dolls?" When (Y/N) nodded, his eyes lit up. "Yay!" He seemed a bit scared to ask to play with dolls. It was a wonder why.

"Here's Sally, he has blue hair. This is Larry, he's Sally's brother. There's Ashley, Sally's girlfriend. And finally there's Todd and Neil. They're dating, just like Sally and Ashley." (Y/N) listed off the names and roles of a few dolls from her collection. She didn't know where they came from, but Rin suggested the names so she happily kept them. 

"Can I play with Sally? He looks cool." Haruko admired the doll's unique features. Red and black marker was carefully drawn in lines on it's face and one eye was blacked out. 

"Of course!" (Y/N) handed him the doll and picked up Ashley. "Sally has a bunch of scars on his face. But Ashley still loves him." (Y/N) made the doll waddle on the ground, acting as if it were walking. "Hello, Sally. How are you today?" She made her voice a slightly higher pitch as she spoke for Ashley. Haruko quickly joined in and made his voice slightly deeper.

"I'm good! How are you, Ashley?" Their pretend play went on for a while as they advanced the narrative. The two children made up the story line as they went, adding new characters, creating silly scenarios, and making playful conflicts. It was fun for the both of them. The sounds of their laughter could be heard throughout the orphanage. This is what caught Rin's attention. 

He slowly crept up to the door, standing outside it silently as to not be noticed. "Do you wanna play something else now?" He heard the sweet voice of (Y/N) ask. "Sure!" Haruko responded. Rin moved slightly closer to the opened door. "Ohh, I know! How about we play family?" When he heard her suggestion, Rin expression became even more grim. At this point, he was standing in the doorway, facing the backs of the two children. As Haruko agreed to play, Rin cleared his throat. 

"I want to play too." Rin essentially demanded to play along with them. As suggested by his tone of voice, this wasn't up for debate. (Y/N) and Haruko both turned around at the same time, (Y/N) with a neutral expression and Haruko a slightly scared one. By the look on Haruko's face, he didn't want to be anywhere near Rin.

"Are you sure, Rin? Whenever I've asked you to play family before, you always said no." The girl looked at her brother skeptically, as if she suspected he was playing a trick on her. 

"Yes, I'm sure." Rin walked farther into the room and closed the door behind him. (Y/N) gave a slight shrug and asked Haruko if it was okay with him. He nodded and looked down. It seemed he was too afraid to disagree. The sight of the cowering boy brought a small, sadistic smile to Rin's face. 

"Great. Let's get started."

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