Chapter 2

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The next morning, after the two kids eventually became sleepy and retired to their rooms, rambunctious, happy children were noisily running around the orphanage. The joyful laughter and padding footsteps of kids could be heard throughout the cozy home. (Y/N) was one of the ones playing tag. Rin was sat on a window seat reading the same horror book from the night before. He occasionally glanced up, watching his "siblings" play the childish games. The boy could never understand the appeal of such games. They were pointless to him. There was no reward. No meaningful outcome. No gain. You simply completed an action and moved on. It was a worthless way to spend time.

As soon as Rin turned his attention back to his book, their caretaker skipped into the room. "Good morning, children!" She cheerfully sang. 'Its too early for this.' Rin distastefully thought. He quickly marked his page and shoved the book behind him. If she found him with another horror book, he'd be in trouble. Again.

"Good morning, Mama!" All the children replied in an equally cheery tone. All except Rin. He just lazily stood up and assembled with the others. "Time for breakfast and getting ready for school." The lady smiled. She was a kind, middle aged woman. Her name was Keiko. All the children adored her. Even Rin had a slight sense of respect for her. Dedicating all her time to caring for children with no parents; she's more considerate than most people in this world. But just because he held some respect for her doesn't mean he liked her. She was a liar.

They all were liars.

Saying that he was a part of the family. Acting nice in his presence but talking behind his back. Outright overlooking him. None of them cared about him. They didn't like him. They feared him. For no good reason, in all honesty. Rin had never done anything to them. He was simply reserved. He was quiet and closed off. But that was no reason to fear him, right?

That's why he hates them. Their hatred is unjustifiable. Does he hate that they're afraid of him because he's a little quiet and a bit scary looking? No. He hates that they pretend they like him. All of them. Well, all except (Y/N).

(Y/N) had always been kind to him. She never had any ulterior motives. No personal gain (other than a new friend), no plot to destroy him, no malicious intent. Nothing. She was purely kind because it was in her nature. She was so friendly to everyone. That's why Rin hates her.

She's an idiot to him. The young girl would not hesitate to try to befriend a stranger. She's going to get herself killed one day because of this. She's too trusting and naïve to live on her own. He doesn't know what she'll do when she grows up. But why should he care anyway? She's of no significance to him. Just another "sibling". Albeit, the nicest one, she's just someone who he will never see again after he's out of this godforsaken place.

"Rin, sweetie, come eat and get dressed for school. It's the first day, so you don't want be late!" Keiko called out from the kitchen in a sickeningly sweet voice. He mumbled some profanities under his breath before sulking to the dining room. There, he slumped down next to the older kids of the orphanage.

"I heard a family is coming today and they want to adopt someone," One of the boys, a 12-year-old by the name of Ichi, whispered to the other kids. He leaned back in his chair and rested his hands on the back of his head. "And I'm telling ya, it's gonna be me!" He pridefully smirked.

'Ha! Why would anyone want you? Your real parents gave you up, what makes you think some strangers would take you in?' Rin bit his tongue to keep from saying the spiteful words. He would surely get in trouble for bullying the kid. Instead, he picked at the bland breakfast on his plate. Across the room, he spotted (Y/N) happily eating with the younger kids. She was giggling as one of the children smiled with an orange slice in their mouth. 'Ugh, give me a break.' He thought, shaking his head.

As breakfast ended, the children retreated to their rooms to get ready for school. They all swiftly did their morning routines and headed out the door. All except (Y/N). She was struggling to tie her shoelaces. Since Keiko was busy ushering the others out the door, she opted to ask the someone else for assistance. "Rin! Can you please help me tie my shoes?" She pleads with a pouty face.

"No," He curtly replies. The girl grabs onto his hand as he tries to push past her. "Learn to do it yourself." He attempts to shake his hand out of her grasp, but she was too persistent. (Y/N) kept holding onto him, pleading for help. 

"Pleeeeeeeeeease?" She whined. "I'll... um.. I'll be your best friend!" The 5 year old excitedly offered, not comprehending that Rin wanted nothing to do with her. She kept tugging on his arm and pulling him back. She was surprisingly strong for such a small girl.

"Jeez, fine! I'll teach you how to tie your shoes," Rin shouted, throwing his hands up in defeat. "Come here." He instructs her to sit down in front of him as he ties the laces. "I'll do this one and you do the other, alright?" (Y/N) nods her head and watches intently as he laces up the shoe. She then tries to do the same, but ends up tangling the laces. "No, no like this." The boy shows her how to properly tie them and tells her to do it exactly as he did. When she fails once again, he sighs. "Jesus Christ..." Mumbling some light curse words under his breath, he gives up. Eventually, he ties her shoes for her and sends her off.

"Thank you, Rin!" She smiles. 'Great, now she's going to think she can come to me for more things.' He thinks as he grabs his backpack. The children file out the gates and onto a bus that will bring them to a private school. Rin sits alone in the very back of the bus, just like he did last year. And the year before that. And the year before that. And so on.
He pulls out the book he smuggled into his bag and begins reading.

Before Rin can get even two chapters into the novel, big (E/C) eyes pop up from the seat in front of him. "Whatcha doin'?" (Y/N) questions as she peeks out from the seat in front of him.

"Leave me alone."

"Ok." (Y/N) sat down for no longer than 30 second before turning around again. She just looked at him for the next couple of minutes until Rin mutters an annoyed 'what?'. "Why are you sitting all alone?" She innocently questions.

"Shut up." After he said that, much to his (dis)pleasure, another child struck up a conversation and distracted (Y/N). Rin felt a small prick in the middle of his heart. He had never felt that strange feeling before. He furrowed his brows for a minute, trying to figure out what that new feeling was. They boy shook it off as annoyance and turned back to his book. For the rest of the ride, he read his book, undisturbed.

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