Chapter 8

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Rin awoke to his face buried in a pillow and a light pressure on his stomach. He groggily glanced down only to find a mess of (H/C) hair. "Oh, right," He whispered, realizing that it was just (Y/N). He rested his head back on the pillow and absentmindedly started stroking the girl's hair. The soft breaths coming from her were enough to lull him back to sleep. Unfortunately, both the kids we awoken not even two minutes later.

"RIN MAMA SAID IT'S TIME TO WAKE UP!" One of the other children from the orphanage busted into the room yelling at the top of their lungs. "Oh, hey (Y/N) there you are! Come on, we need to eat breakfast and get ready fro school." With that, the kid ran out of the room to go harass whatever sleeping children remained.

"Ughhh.." The two said in unison. As they stumbled out of bed, the pair went their separate ways to prepare for school. 

The morning continued on as normal. Same routine, same habits, same everything. By the time the bus arrived, each child was ready to leave. Well, except (Y/N), "Rin, can you please tie my shoe?" She called out to the boy.


"Please? Pretty, pretty, pretty please?" She pouted, but her pleads went unnoticed as Rin had already boarded the bus. The young girl sighed as she ran out the door after him. She made it to the back seats where he was sitting. 

Of course, Sachi was there, talking his ear off. Rin was absentmindedly grinding his teeth in irritation. "Oh, and my mother just bought me these new shoes! Look! They have diamonds on them~"

"Those are rhinestones." He curtly replied.

"Basically the same thing! Anyway-" Sachi was cut off by the small, timid voice of (Y/N).

"Uh, sorry to interrupt you, Sachi, but I was wondering if you could help me tie my shoes?" The girl squeaked out, feeling bad for cutting her off. Sachi let out a scoff and rolled her eyes. 

"Wow, rude much," She crossed her arms and turned up her nose. "And shouldn't you know how to tie your own shoes already? What are you, stupid? You must be. I learned how to tie my shoes when I was three!" She boasted with a grin on her face. 

(Y/N) sat shocked at Sachi's words. She had been snarky in the past, sure, but never outright mean. At least, that's how (Y/N) perceived it. The girl's lip quivered a bit and her eyes welled up with tears. She, being the sensitive girl she is, began to cry softly. She turned away and stood up, walking to the seats a couple rows in front of them.

Now, this was the last straw. Rin, that devil in disguise, had finally snapped. It was odd, though. He didn't lash out. He didn't scream at Sachi. He didn't even move a muscle after (Y/N) left. He didn't know why he was so furious, he didn't know why he felt this way. He just knew he wanted Sachi's blood spilled. 

And that's how the day was going to end. 

The bus arrived at the school and each child went to their classes. Rin spent his morning finalizing his plan to get rid of the nuisance of a girl. Lunch and recess rolled around and the kids were let out to play and get their energy out. Sachi made her way to Rin and (Y/N).

"Oh my God, I swear you're like a puppy." Rin groaned upon the arrival of Sachi.

"Aww, I'm glad I'm like a puppy to you!" She giggled and leaned in toward Rin.

"I hate puppies." Rin took (Y/N)'s hand and led her away. She stumbled over her feet a couple times, as her shoelaces were still untied. She asked if she could now have help tying her shoes and to her surprise, Rin agreed.

"Thanks, Rin." She mumbled. Ever since Sachi insulted her, she hadn't been her usual self. It was just a silly insult, but (Y/N) really took it to heart. Rin noticed this change in character, which made him even more angry. 

"Yeah, don't mention it." He gave the faintest of sympathetic smiles. With that, recess ended and the kids went back to their classes.

Rin placed a pair of scissors on a desk across the room, setting up the first part of his plan. "It's now or never..." He thought. "Hey, Sachi! Can you please bring me those scissors? Hurry, I really need them fast!" He faked urgency in his voice.

"Yeah, sure!" She called back, grabbing the scissors and running to him. Rin's heart was beating out of his chest now. Was he really going to do this? He recalled the heartbroken face of his younger sister and the sounds of her soft whimpering. Yep. He was going to do this.

When Sachi was merely a few feet away from him, he stuck his leg out, tripping her. The speed at which she was running paired with the sudden force stopping her caused her to fall. Hard. A scream rang out though the classroom. Kids surrounded the girl and soon everyone was shrieking in fear. 

Sachi had a pair of scissors sticking out of her neck. 

Panic and adrenaline set in causing Sachi ripped the scissors out. Unbeknownst to her, she had just sealed her fate. Blood began gushing everywhere, her hands stained scarlet as she held her throat. The teacher called the emergency services whilst in her shocked state and couldn't get her words out. She just kept stumbling and stuttering out about how there was blood all over. The teacher's broken voice and the mass of screaming children in the background let the operator know that something was very wrong. The operator tracked the phone's location and sent officers, firefighters, and ambulances out to the scene. 

While they were waiting, the teacher ushered the children to another teacher's classroom and frantically explained the unfortunate circumstances. The other teacher, who was much more calm, took over the situation, heading back to the classroom with a half unconscious Sachi lying on the floor.  The other teacher cradled the pale girl in her arms. Sachi tried to speak, but couldn't form any words. She was coughing and sputtering blood. Her mouth opened and closed, trying to take in oxygen, but she just kept inhaling blood. What a pitiful sight.

The emergency services arrived after what felt like hours when in reality, it was only five minutes.  It took them a while to find the correct classroom. Nobody had thought to call the principal to notify them of the situation, so they wasted precious time, searching each classroom. When they got to the correct classroom they immediately went to work on helping the injured girl. The paramedics worked hard on trying to stop the bleeding and get oxygen into her lungs. Eventually, they wheeled Sachi out of the school on a stretcher. 

A white sheet covered her.

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