Chapter 5

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Later that night, the two children decided it was late and time for bed. As they began walking back to their home, (Y/N) strikes up a conversation. "So tomorrow we're going to play with Sachi, right?" Rin squeezed her hand a bit harder in annoyance.

"Yeah, totally." He strained out. 'God, I hate that girl. She's more annoying than (Y/N). And not nearly as adorable...' Rin blinked a couple times as he realized what he had just thought. 'Ugh! Why do I keep having these stupid weird thoughts?!' He mentally screamed at himself as they reached the house. Walking through the doors hand in hand, they spotted Keiko sitting in the living room. 

"(Y/N), what were you doing out so late? It's nearly 12:00 am?" Keiko only addressed the girl in question as she did not care that Rin was out. 

"Sorry, Mama! Rin was helping me with some homework. Look!" (Y/N) handed the page of work over to her mother. "Then, he read some of his book to me! But it was really creep- mphhm!" The young girl was cut off as Rin placed a hand over her mouth to keep her quiet. 

"Really cute! Cute! That's what she was going to say! It was a cute book about puppies. I had to research an animal for an assignment in class and I choose wolf puppies. Now run along sweet, little (Y/N). You wouldn't want to be sleepy at school tomorrow, would you?" Rin didn't want to be caught with another horror story. He'd get it taken away. Never to be seen again. 

"Ok..." (Y/N) pouted. "Night Rin, night Mama!" She quietly called out as she ran up the stairs. 

Keiko turned to look at Rin after the young girl had left. "I know you're lying about that book," The woman crossed her arms, a disapproving look on her face. "But... I'm too tired to figure out what book you actually have. So go to bed. I must finish some paper work. There's a family coming tomorrow to adopt someone. They were supposed to be here a couple days ago, but something came up. And I know you want to get out of here as soon as possible, so if you want to get adopted, you'd better be on your best behavior."

Rin simply looked at Keiko with a blank expression. "Ok. Goodnight, Mother." He said as he retreated upstairs for the night. An odd chill went down the woman's spine at those simple words. 

That night, as Rin lied in his bed, he thought about his mother's words. It's true he does want to get out of here as soon as possible, but did he really want to leave his freedom behind? Here, nobody truly cares for him, so he can do whatever he pleases. Well, nobody except (Y/N). Did he want to leave her behind? Could she take care of herself without him? Would she forget about him if he left? When would he see her again? Will he ever see her again? Should he really try to get adopted?

These thoughts raced through Rin's head all night. Nearly all of them centered around his little sister. What would happen if he left her? The boy eventually got frustrated with himself and tried to sleep. He'd figure everything out tomorrow. "We'll burn that bridge when we get to it." He muttered to himself as he drifted off to sleep.

That morning, the children of the orphanage did their morning routines and filed onto the school bus for another day of learning. Rin sat at the back of the bus, as per usual. (Y/N) was lucky enough to snag a seat in the back as well. Sachi sat in the middle of the two. 

Rin was beyond annoyed at his classmate, who was talking his ear off. "And I got new earrings too! Aren't they just beautiful? My mom says they really bring out my eyes." Sachi batted her eyelashes at him, trying to get his attention. 

"Wow, they really are beautiful! I've always wanted to get my ears pierced. Maybe when I get adopted? Then I can as look as pretty as you!" (Y/N) complimented as she gazed at the earrings. 

"Maybe. But it'll be hard to be as gorgeous as me. I don't think you could do it." 

Rin snorted out at that statement. Then, it progressed to a chuckle, then full blown hysterical laughter. "You- you really think you're that good looking? Hahahaha! I've seen pigs prettier than you!" He continued to howl with laughter at the girl's confidence. 

"Ugh! You rotten boy! How could you say that?!" The offended girl gasped. She sunk down in her seat as the other kids on the bus turned around to see what all the noise was about.

"Rin! Don't be so rude! Sachi, you are beautiful. Don't let him upset you. He doesn't mean it." (Y/N) reassured her, even though she was being impolite.

"Oh, I mean it!" 

As the bus pulled up to the school, the kids hopped off and started to their classes. Rin was still wheezing as he stepped off the bus. (Y/N) gave him a hug and ran the opposite way to class, just as she did yesterday. The boy shook his head and smiled as he calmed his laughter down and headed to his class. 

"I forgive you. I know you were just joking." Sachi said, sitting down next to him in the classroom. "So we're going to hang out at recess today still right? Right." She didn't give Rin a chance to answer, as their teacher announced that class was starting. 

'I've got to find a way to get rid of this girl..." Rin sighed to himself. At that moment, he perked up. 'Oh.. I think I have a plan.' He glanced at Sachi with a mischievous smile adorning his features. That morning , the young boy began thinking up the details to a sinister tactic to get Sachi out of the picture.  

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