Chapter 1

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"Did you know it was me?" The young girl, only barely 5 years old, hung off the neck of the unfazed 10-year-old boy sitting on the ground. Silently, the boy pushed her away, causing her to fall to the dirt with a soft thud. The girl was used to this treatment by now, so she wasn't bothered by his actions. What she was bothered by was the boy's response. She huffed in annoyance as she saw him give a small nod of confirmation. "But I was being so quiet this time! I even held my breath so you wouldn't hear it!" She crossed her arms, giving a small pout.

"Shhhh." Was the simple response the boy offered. He never took his eyes off the page. The pair sat in silence for a few minutes before the girl spoke up again. "Hey, Rin? What are you reading?" She questions, not liking how quiet it was. The sounds of the howling wind were audible once again. Since she wasn't distracting herself by trying to spook the young boy, her surroundings stood out more. This caused a slight chill to run down her spine. She shivered as a strong breeze blew by. The child moved a small bit closer to the boy.

The low lit construction area looked scarier now that she payed attention. Huge shadows contorting to look like monsters, the creaks and screeches of the dangerous equipment, the rusty gear making the site look abandoned. It all freaked her out.

"Pet Sematary." Rin boredly mumbled, head resting on his hand. The girl softly asked what it was about, but Rin did not reply. The two fell into silence again. Becoming instantly bored because of her miniscule attention span, (Y/N) let out an overdramatic sigh. The boy ignored her and simply continued to read. When she didn't get the desired reaction, (Y/N) tried again, this time louder. Yet again, Rin didn't acknowledge the girl. She decided to try one more time before taking a different approach. She sucked in a deep breath, held it in for a moment, and exhaled as loud as she could. It was the most over dramatic sigh she could possibly muster. The child glanced over to Rin, expecting to at least have him look at her. Instead, she was met with the slouching back of said boy as he turned around.

Sitting dumbfounded for a second, she conjured up a new plan to get Rin's attention. Rather than trying to get him to respond to her with noises of displeasure, she decided to get more physical. She jumped up and latched her arms around the boy's neck again. "Riiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin. Pay attention to me!" She whined into his dark grey shirt. The unexpected force of (Y/N) jumping onto Rin caused him to drop his book.

"Ugh, (Y/N)! You made me lose my page!" Rin growled, trying to pry the kid off. She held on tight, nearly choking the boy and giggling all the while. "Come on, Oniisan! Let's play a game!" (Y/N) laughed, loosening her grip a small bit on her 'brother'. Rin continued to struggle, but to no avail. He knew the only way to get the stubborn girl to leave him alone was to comply. So, that's what he did.

"Fine. We'll play a game," He spitefully muttered through clenched teeth. (Y/N) hummed in approval, giving a small nod of satisfaction. She finally let go of the poor boy's neck and stood next to him. As he contemplated what infantile game to play, a smirk made its way onto his face. "I know a game we could play." Rin whispered. (Y/N) tilted her head, silently questioning him. He reached out to the unsuspecting girl and pulled her down onto his lap.

"W.. what?" The girl quietly asked. This was abnormal behavior for Rin. He was usually cold and distant. He never smiled. He never acted this way. The girl just stared into his scarlet eyes, a confused look on her face. "What game?" She continued. The moon shone down brightly on the two lone children, causing Rin's shadow to shroud her in darkness. The only thing visible to her were two scarlet eyes. He gazed at her with a mischievous smile. Slowly, inch by inch, he moved his face closer to (Y/N)'s. When he was mere centimeters away from the girl's features, he stopped. The smirk stayed plastered on his lips as he watched her reaction. Obviously she was too young to realize what he was doing. The thought only made his grin grow wider.

They stayed in that position for what felt like forever. He eventually moved, reaching his hand up to her face. Rin's fingers brushed against some (Y/N)'s hair, which had fallen out of place when he pulled her down. He began to pull his hand back, still maintaining eye contact. Realizing he could do more, he reached out again, this time moving it toward her face. Not anticipating what was going to happen, the female cocked her head to the side. She watched his movements and tracked his hand with her eyes. She quickly looked back to his face to see him still staring at her.

Then, it happened.

"Hey, don't flick me!" (Y/N) angrily scowled, bringing both hands up to cover her nose. Rin pushed the girl off his lap, causing her to fall into the dirt on her back. She landed with small 'oof' escaping her.

Rin stood up, grabbing his morbid book and tucking it under his arm. "We're playing hide and seek." He told her whilst walking over to a tree. "You're hiding, I'm counting. I'll count to a hundred." He mumbled, facing the tree and closing his eyes. "Ready, go. One... Two... Three..." He didn't give her a chance to object, so she just ran off to find a suitable hiding spot.

Once her footfalls were.out of earshot, Rin stopped counting and picked up his book, trying to find the page he lost. He knew exactly where (Y/N) went. 'Under the cabinet in the kitchen.' He thought to himself. Though he had never played hide and seek with her or the other children in the orphanage they lived in, he observed them. He never interacted. He simply watched, taking mental notes on where everybody hid. He payed attention to who was found and why. (Y/N) was never found. This is because of how well she hid in her trusty secret spot. Well, secret to everyone but herself and, unbeknownst to her, Rin. Knowing she was safe inside the orphanage, the boy began to read.

"Finally, some peace." Rin mumbled as he shook his head.

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