Chapter 19

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Just as Rin had thought, the two children had to stay isolated. Once Keiko saw the runny noses and high temperatures the kids had, she made sure they wouldn't step foot outside the room. 

"See (Y/N)," Keiko pulled the thermometer out of the young girl's mouth and examined the number displayed on it. It read "102° F". Keiko sighed and shook her head. "You could have gotten Haruko sick too. Aren't you glad you stayed here?" (Y/N) nodded her head sadly. As much as she hated to admit it, staying home was the best choice. Their mother left for a moment to rinse off the thermometer and grab some extra supplies to take care of the kids. When she was out of sight, Rin placed his hand on his sister's head.

"You're burning up," He retracted his hand from her forehead and placed it on his own. "I'm burning up..." His low mumbles came out nearly incoherent. 

Ever since Rin had caught the cold, he'd been acting funny. The medicine Keiko gave the children was supposed to make them drowsy. (Y/N), being the energetic child she is, was not really effected by it. Rin, however, was not used to the feeling of being tired. His words slurred and he swayed gently, as if it were difficult to keep his head up. The medicine should have worn off by now, as it was time for another dose but Rin was still effected. It was quite entertaining to watch.

"Rin, you're weird." The boy scoffed at the statement. He didn't have the energy to refute it though. 

Groans and dramatic coughs came from Rin. Low moans and sniffles filled the room every five seconds. He was not taking being sick very well. It was just a little cold but Rin was acting like he was dying. The sounds coming from the boy were obviously exaggerated, even (Y/N) could see. It almost looked like he wanted to have attention or sympathy. Either that or he was too out of it to control himself. 

The noises coming from Rin stopped momentarily. The silence confused the girl, as her brother was just complaining not even a minute ago. (Y/N) peaked over to Rin's side of the bed only to find him passed out. His dark hair was covering his eyes, a bit of drool making its way onto his pillow. The look on his face was so innocent. Peaceful and calm. It was such a different expression than his usual stoic one. It was a pleasant change, though, it didn't last long.

Soon enough, Keiko returned to the room and told Rin to open his mouth. "Come on, Rin. Say 'ahh'." The woman's motherly side showed as she spoke to the boy. Rin was still half asleep when he groggily sat up and mindlessly opened his mouth. 

Keiko shoved something in the boy's mouth that made him jolt awake. "Don't you dare spit that medicine out." The mother threatened. It tasted dreadful. The medicine coated his tongue, not allowing him to escape from the taste. Rin's nose scrunched up and he closed his eyes, showing his disgust. It was really tempting to spit out the disgusting liquid medicine, but Rin refrained knowing that he would just have to go through the process again. Reluctantly, he swallowed the liquid and shuddered.

"Good," Keiko smiled and picked up the medicine bottle. "You two should be feeling better by next week." (Y/N) nodded and looked to Rin, who was sticking his tongue out in disgust. It seemed he was being haunted by the taste of the medicine. The expression on her brother's face made her giggle a bit. He shot the girl an angry glare but quickly went back to his look of nausea. Keiko laughed at the interaction between the two and patted (Y/N) on the head. "Alright, you two rest now. I'll be back to check on you in a little while."

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