Chapter 6

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"Alright kids, time for recess!" Rin's teacher announced. The class filed into a line and made their way to the play ground. Throughout the day, Rin had formulated a plan to get rid of  Sachi. He knew exactly what to do to make it look like an accident too. He decided that he would wait just a little longer and carry out the plan the next day. 

After the class got to the playground, the kids scattered to go enjoy their break. (Y/N) quickly found Rin sitting atop a tree branch. "Found ya'!" The young girl shouted. 

"How did you find me so quickly?" Rin sighed. He jumped down from his hiding spot and walked up to her.

"You always hang around trees. You're like a monkey!" (Y/N) giggled. "So can we play now? Sachi's over there. I can go get her if you want me to?" She innocently asked.

"No." Rin said, walking away.

"'No' what?" The girl cocked her head to the side. "No we can't play or no don't get Sachi?" She jogged to catch up to Rin and grabbed onto his hand.

"No to both-" He abruptly stopped talking when he felt the small hand latch onto his. He sighed once more. "'No', don't get that wretched girl. We can play together. Alone." He muttered, turning his head away. Rin had the smallest, most unnoticeable pink tint to his cheeks. 

"Okay... But Sachi wanted to play. She can play tomorrow, right?" (Y/N) pouted a bit, feeling bad for the other young girl.'

"Yeah, sure whatever." He said dismissively.

The two kids walked to the swings and each took one. Rin was able to swing just fine on his own, but the same couldn't be said for little (Y/N). She struggled to get going. She simply couldn't keep any momentum. 

"Rin, can you please push me? I can't do it on my own!" She asked. Rin didn't respond. Instead, he hopped off his swing and made his way over to (Y/N), going unnoticed by her. He took the swing by the chains and pulled it toward him, then he pushed on (Y/N)'s lower back to swing her. "Ah! Rin! You could at least give me a warning next time!" She shouted, as she almost fell off the swing. 

"You asked me to swing you, didn't you?" He rhetorically questioned.

After a few minutes of swinging, light conversation, and some sibling bonding, the two kids were interrupted. "Oh, Rin! Why don't you push me on the swing too~?"  

'Dear God, please smite me down now. Please, please I'm begging you, have mercy on me.' Rin prayed for the sweet release of death as a way to escape the irritating girl. Alas, the blessing he was praying for never came. He pouted a bit and ignored Sachi. 

"Come on, Rin! You've pushed that little brat for long enough! It's my turn now." Sachi shouted, wanting the young boy's attention. 

When Rin heard her calling (Y/N) a brat, it took every little bit of will power he had to not punch her in the face. How dare SHE, of all people, call sweet little (Y/N) a brat? The young girl had never done anything for her to deserve to be called a bad name. He almost snapped. Almost. 

But, he managed to compose himself and stay silent. Thankfully, (Y/N) hadn't heard or else she'd have been crying by now. (Y/N) is quite the sensitive girl. That would have been the last straw for Rin, though. He doesn't know why, but the thought of someone making his sister cry makes him want to hurt that person. If anyone were to hurt her, he would hurt them. 

Sachi was getting frustrated at Rin for not acknowledging her. She stomped up closer to him and tapped his shoulder. "Hello? Are you listening to me?!" She crossed her arms and scowled. 

"No, I am not. Now leave us alone." Rin replied without looking at her. He rolled his eyes and slowly stopped pushing (Y/N) on the swing. Once she came to a stop, he took her hand. "Let's go, recess is almost over." The two walked off, leaving Sachi behind to sulk. Soon, the teachers called the kids back and they returned to their own classes. 

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