Captain America & The Winter Soldier World Premiere

938 37 64

13th March 2014, Los Angeles 

Chris gets out of the car, extending his hand to me. I take it and climb out. Immediately flashlights go off and I squeeze Chris' hand. He smiles widely and he pulls me gently on the red carpet. I look around but I know no one except Chris here. He's waving at his fans and to his colleagues, like, Scarlett Johansson and Robert Downey Junior. Although Chris and I are friends like childhood I've never met his acting colleagues.

I never visited him on sets and this is the first time I actually joined him when he invited me to come with him to an event. Usually he takes his sisters or his mother along. The media knows about me already, they've snapped pictures of us when we were out a long time ago but they lost their interest pretty fast because I'm just a constant in his life.  

He avoids putting me more in the media and I appreciate that. But I know he get's stressed out more and more lately because of his fame and he needs someone to stay focused on. That keeps him calm and reassures him. That's what friends are for, right?

He's wearing a beautiful dark blue suit which I chose for him with a matching tie and a white shirt. He even wears sunglasses. Mate, it's dark, put them off. Thank you. Although it really suits him. He wears a beard. He looks so mature when he's wearing the beard like this. 

Although it tickles when he eats me out. But on the other side... it is kinda hot. I tilt my head to the side and watch the actors in front of us getting photographed and signing things for their fans. Chris joins them and I take another look around, astonished by the amount of paparazzi and fans when a man in a black suit, with a matching black shirt and a black tie gets out of the car. He has dark brown hair and striking blue eyes.

He was in the first Captain America movie already. He played Bucky. What's his name again? I don't know. I'll ask Chris later as soon as we're in the premiere.

I look back to Chris and see him slowly panicking and sigh. His eyes look around nervously and his breathing goes faster than usual. I can see it on his rising chest. 

The photographers continue to shoot them, the flashlights like a strobelight. I quickly squeeze next to Chris and smile, placing my hand on his back. 

"Come on, let's go inside." I smile at him and he nods, holding his breath now as I gently push him inside. I look around and push him in a small booth were no one can see us.

"Thank you...", he rubs his face, his hand grabs my arm and he paints small invisible patterns on my skin with his finger. 

"Always. You good?" I look at his face, he's slowly steadying his gaze on my eyes. 

"Yeah it's alright...", he fakes a smile.

The man in the full black suit joins us, looking worried at Chris. "Are you alright, buddy?", he slaps his hand on Chris' back. He nods.

"Yeah it's good, thanks Sebastian. Uh, well, uh, Sebastian, this is Y/N, my best friend. Y/N, this is Sebastian." Chris introduces us and I smile at Sebastian.

"Finally, Chris never shuts up about you." Sebastian smirks at me before pulling me in a quick hug. His scent creeps up my nose and I close my eyes for a second as I hug him back.

"Same about you, mate. Heard a lot about you."

He laughs as he pulls away, smiling at me. His lips curl upward in a really cute way, showing his perfect teeth. His eyes wrinkle when he smiles and he bites his lip. Oh, that lip bite does things to me...

"I hope it was only good things he told you." He winks at me.

"Of course. Uh, we should probably head inside to get the seats. You're seated next to me, Y/N." Chris smiles at me and we leave the small booth. He goes first and Sebastian smiles at me.

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