after party

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The after party is held at a small club in Hollywood, completely rented for the cast and crew and friends, so there are no paparazzi or fans in it which calms Chris down a lot. He's calmer when there's no media or strangers around.

I wash my hands in the restroom and straighten my hair in the mirror when Scarlett comes in, smiling at me.

"Hey, you're Y/N, right?" She pulls me into a hug and I smile.

"Yeah, right. Chris must've told you guys a lot about me, every one of you is recognizing me so easily... do I have to be worried about it?"

She laughs and shakes her head, now washing her hands. "No, don't worry. I'm Scarlett. He just praises you all the time, like, every memory he shares is with you. Like you're his only friend."

I laugh and shrug my shoulders. "Oh, well, uh... can't say anything about that, sometimes I think I am his only friend. But, to be fair, he told me at the cinema when he asked if I join the party, I am finally meeting his other friends. So you guys are his other friends!"

She smirks and dries her hands now. "Well, I hope he only tells you good things about us. We're a chaotic bunch of weirdos to be honest..."

"I'll fit perfectly in then!"

We both leave the restrooms, still chatting and laughing on our way back to the main room. Some of the guys are already dancing.

"Hey, I didn't know what you'd like so I just... got you a beer?", Sebastian comes to us, smiling and hands me a beer. I take it.

"Thank you... beer is always fine with me." I smile at him.

"I thought, just in case Chris forgets to get you a drink I'll do it." He laughs, his nose scrunching again.

"Well, in case you're my drink supplier tonight listen closely: I like beer, a lot, but I also like longdrinks or cocktails. Like, never say no to a Sex on the Beach, or a good whiskey." I take a sip of my beer and smile.

"Alright, then, so sex on the beach, huh?", he smirks and leans on the wall, looking at me, checking me out.

"Preferably as a drink because I don't like having sand where no sand should be, but never say no, huh?", I laugh and nudge his elbow before making my way to Chris, smiling as he hands me a beer.

"Thanks, I already got one but this will be my second then." I take it and laugh. "Must look like an alcoholic now. Shit. Nope. Uhhh..." I drown the first beer and place the empty bottle on the bar before I turn around and smile at a bunch of people all looking at me now.

"Well, this is going to be a fun night then I guess, huh? Chris, you should've brought her earlier! I'm Robert, by the way. And you're Y/N, right?" He comes to me, kissing me on my cheek, leaving a wet spot there. I hate that.

"Yeah you're the diva one tho, right?" I smile at him before I shrug my shoulders. "I've seen some interviews. I liked the one where you go like: "The next time I'm not asked the first question I will leave" got me, man. I liked the attitude."

Everyone laughs and I grin before lowering my eyes and take a sip of my beer. And this, dear readers, is the perfect example of me just babbling around.

"Well, it's true tho, I will leave the next time!" Robert laughs and shakes his head. Chris puts his arm around my shoulders.

"Are you alright?", he leans down to whisper in my ear and I nod, smiling at him.

"I'm good. You?" I look up to him, his eyes a little unfocused. How much alcohol did he already have?

He nods and smiles. I listen to the chatting of the others while sipping my beer, looking around the venue. The dancefloor fills and I empty the bottle to grin at Chris.

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