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Sebastian and I are back in the car and he's driving. I connect my phone to the car radio and play my driving playlist, mostly slow indie songs, acoustic with guitars. I like that when I'm driving at night.

"So, where do we go?", I ask, smiling at him.

"Surprise!", he grins. "But maybe you don't need the passport at all, you know? My mind gone a bit crazy. Thought we could just, you know, fly somewhere else and spend some time together but, at least, you don't really know me and I guess you have better things to do than flying somewhere with someone you don't really know."

I laugh at him. "Really?! Dork, I would've gone with you no matter where we're going. Like I said, I can work everywhere, got my laptop with me. Maybe next time, then?"

"Next time it is!", he grins before he pulls over and we're at a lost beach somewhere I've never been before. He parks the car and we get out.

The air is mild and a warm breeze is coming from the ocean. He opens the trunk and places the pillows and everything like a real bed.

"Uh huh, so we're just going to sleep here?", I ask while I take a look around. The moon reflects on the water. It's beautiful. There's no one around but us.

"Yeah, I thought that'd be cool. We can talk, and drink beer, and sleep here at the ocean. Never did this before?"

I shake my head and smile. "No. But I wanna go swimming. You in?" I turn to him and kick off my sneakers and take off my clothes. I see his gaze linger on my body before he pulls his shirt over his head.

"Sure I'm in. Naked?", he smirks and I take off my bra and nickers.

"Of course naked, it's in the middle of the night and we're alone!" I laugh and watch him as he takes off his clothes, biting my lip.

"Are you watching me, Y/N?", he says in a stern voice.

"Well it's obviously not that often that such a good looking man takes off his clothes in front of me so I'm not apologizing for staring at you... because... I definitely like what I see here. Can you go first? I'd like to see the back of yours."

He laughs and shakes his head. "What is going on inside your head?"

I shrug my shoulders. "Really interested in knowing that?" I smirk at him before I push him back. "Come on now, last one in the water is a loser!" I shout and start running towards the water, laughing, letting go of everything in this moment.

I reach the water just seconds before him and let myself fall right in, screaming as it's pretty cold.

"Holy shit, this is fucking cold!", he goes, laughing as he swims next to me.

"Want me to warm you up?", I ask, stroking back my hair and grin at him.

"You're all in, huh, flirty and things, are you always like this?"

I swim to him, clinging my arms around his neck and my legs around his waist, pressing my skin on his. "I am. Definitely yes. Better now?"

His skin is soft and warm against the colder water, I can feel his abs and chest muscles tense as he's wrapping his arms around me, gently rubbing my back.

"Way better now...", he says, his mouth only inches away from mine. I look at his lips and raise my eyes to meet his. "I've never been... swimming naked with a stranger before in the middle of the night..."

"Well we're not strangers but... me neither. But I like it. Even tho I'm not swimming but clinging onto you..."

He laughs. "And do you like it? Clinging onto me?"

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