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The sun shines through the windows of our bedroom and I stretch myself, slowly waking up. Oh, today's Chris birthday!

I smile and roll over on top of him, kissing every inch of his face until he wraps his arms around me, giggling.

"What are you doing...?", he mumbles.

"I'm kissing every inch of your face because it's your birthday today!" I laugh and cup his face with my hands, smiling at him now. "Happy Birthday, sugar boo!"

I kiss him gently and run my hand through his hair. He sits up, making me wrap my legs around his waist and I laugh.

"Thank you, honey... hmm... any plans for today?", he asks while he kisses my collarbone.

"Nope, do you want to go to Santa Monica? Or... maybe Disneyland?", I smile at him. "We weren't there for a while!"

"I thought we could have a nice dinner at a restaurant, the Chateau maybe? Or do you prefer the Delilah?", he runs his hands up and down my sides.

"What's wrong with the Pac Park and cheap fries and pizza?" I tilt my head. "We always did this, old man. It's a tradition!"

"I know, I know. But we've grown ups now, honey, let's just go for dinner okay? I've got some work to do before..."

I pout my lips and mess with his hair. "Alright, dinner it is then. You're the birthday boy, you choose where to go. I'm gonna get a shower now."

I try to get up but he tightens his arms around me, smiling up to me. "Hmm... shower can wait, right?"

He shifts so I lay flat on the back and he's on top now, taking off my shirt to kiss my neck. I close my eyes and bite my lip.

"I guess it can wait, yes..." I take off his shirt, my hands exploring his body, feeling his abs and chest muscles. His skin is soft and I can feel his dick growing hard when I run my hand over his crotch.

I bite my lip and run my fingers over his tattoos. "I really love your tattoos... gosh, you look so hot with them..."

He giggles and presses his lips on mine, gentle but demanding entrance with his tongue while he takes off my slip and his boxers - careful so we don't break our kiss.

I reach for his cock and gently caress his glans with my thumb, making him moan slightly. He runs his hand between my legs, playing with my clit and rubbing my already wet pussy. I break our kiss and look into his eyes.

"Do you want me to fuck you?", his voice is hoarse now and I arch my back.

"You know I want that..." I wrap my leg around his waist and guide his dick into me, our eyes still locked.

"Mmh... fuck, Y/N, you feel so good...", he slowly thrust his hips, one hand under my back. I feel his skin on mine, hot and sweaty.

I moan and lay my head back. "You feel even better... ah, yes..."

Chris turns so I am on top of him now, propping myself up on his chest while slowly riding him now, my knees digging into the mattress beside his hips. He runs his hands over my body.

"Mmmh... you know how to make me cum, right? You know...yes, right this... Y/N!", his breathing goes faster and I watch him, my heart skips a beat. He runs his hands up my thighs, fingers softly scratching my skin but without really hurting me.

My core is on fire, a tingling feeling creeping up my legs and arms. I close my eyes and whip my head back at the same time I'm quickening my movements. He grabs my butt, pulling me close as he sits up. I wrap my arms around his neck and my legs around his body, crashing my lips on his.

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