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I sit with closed eyes in the chair in this huge cosmetic shop, one woman is braiding my hair into a really nice up-do, another one is putting make-up on my face. And a third one is working on my nails.

Why? Well, because it's my wedding day today. Yes, you read it right, I'm getting married today. Chris and I will marry at the Gardens at Elm Bank in Wellesley, 11 miles from Sudbury. It's beautiful and green there, the gardens are so awesome. It's a semi small wedding with the family and friends.

After nearly two hours at the shop I look into the mirror and I see a beautiful woman staring back at me - with pearls in her beautifully braided hair but she seems like a stranger to me.

I get out of the chair, smiling at the ladies before paying for everything and walk outside to get to my car when my phone rings. I get inside and answer it through the car radio.

"Hello?", I carefully drive onto the street.

"Y/N?" A shiver runs down my spine.

"Sebastian?", I bite my lip.

"Yeah it's me... I... I just wanted to tell you I'm not coming today... well, I'm in Sudbury right now but...", he sighs. "Y/N, do you really want to do this? Because I know you're doing it because he's your best friend since childhood and... but is he really the love of your life?"

I focus on the road, my thoughts running.


"Answer me, Y/n... because if there's a chance, a small chance that I'm right... I will buy us two tickets to Greece and we'll run away. I don't care. Because... I can't let you take away your chance of real love."

I shake my head, my fingers digging into the skin of my thigh.

"I'm at the Sheraton hotel... do you have time to see me?"

"Do you think that's a good idea, Seba?", I sigh and bite my lip, but I take the next turn to drive there.

"Room 392. When will you be here?"

He always knows what I do. Damn that man. This is not a good idea, but still...

I park the car in the parking lot. "Now."

I hang up and get out of the car, putting on my sunglasses and enter the hotel. I'm searching for the room and knock on his door, nervous. The last time I've seen him was on Christmas...

He opens the door in a suit, a bow tie loose around his neck. His hair is shorter, he trimmed his beard to a stubble. His eyes bright blue and his lips curl up.

"Come in..." He lets me pass and closes the door quietly.


"Look me in my eyes and tell me... tell me he is the love of your life... and you're happy with him. There's no chance for us to be..."

I sigh and look at him, straightening my shoulders.

"Do you really want to hear that?"

He shakes his head. "Of course not, Y/N, but I need to hear it from you because... I know... that this is not you. Marrying in such a venue, with a huge dress? You said you'd imagine your wedding on a beach, maybe in Hawaii or Greece, with a soft, flowing dress and flowers in your hair. Now what... pearls in your hair? So much make-up? That's not you."

"People change...", I sigh and shrug my shoulders, he's coming closer and puts his hand on my cheek, gently pushing my face upwards.

"Yeah but... you're still the same you were back in Greece...", he whispers now, bringing his lips on mine, his tongue demanding entrance.

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