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I'm sitting on my fire escape, wrapped in my blanket with a cup of tea in my hands, watching the snow turn New York City into a winter wonderland. It's freezing cold but I smile.

I sold everything in Los Angeles and moved to New York just in time to spend Christmas here. Lisa invited me to spend the holidays with them but I'll only go to Sudbury and visit them for a day. If the snow allows it.

I drink my tea, smiling and thinking about what I have to do today. I wanted to buy a small Christmas tree and decorations. I am so excited. It's the second Christmas I'm going to spend alone ever in my life but this year it feels perfectly right. I'm not lonely anymore. I'm alone. Big difference.

Slowly I climb back inside my loft. It's a converted old factory, a red brick building with huge windows over four three flours. On the ground floor is my atelier where I paint and do things, letting my creativity flow. The second and third floor is combined, with the living and dining area downstairs and upstairs my bedroom.

I found this and instantly fell in love. Some artist sold it because he wanted to go to Europe. Because of his girlfriend I think. I get dressed and run downstairs, putting on my winter coat and a beanie before stepping out into the cold streets of Brooklyn.

My garage is just across the street and I get into my van to get to the store I need to go. After a short ride I park there and get inside to grab some groceries. I walk down the aisles, looking for coconut milk to pour into my porridge but I can't find it. Almond, cashew, soy... everything but coconut. I sigh and turn around to bump into someone.

"Oh, I'm sorry, I ...", I start to apologize before I look up to get lost in two bright blue eyes with wrinkles when the man smiles.


"Seba?" I smile and hug him, closing my eyes for a moment. "Wow it's been so long!"

He hugs me too, pulling me close to him. His scent is still the same.

"It's been too long, yeah... what a surprise! What are you doing here in New York?", he pulls away, looking at me with his lips curled up on the corners of his mouth. His hands on my arms, holding me in place.

"I moved to New York actually some weeks ago... and... I wanted to get some groceries now before I buy a Christmas tree." I smile. "You should come over some time, I found this old factory building which is converted to a loft... you'd love it."

He laughs and nods. "I'm sure I would. You already had me with converted old factory building." He smiles and puts his hand on my cheek, gently rubbing his thumb over my skin before he quickly pulls it away again. "You look happy..."

I smile and nod. "I am happy... it's... a long story I guess. It's really nice to see you, Seba. I like your stubble. And your hair..."

He licks his lips and sucks his bottom lip in his mouth before smiling again.

"That's good... that's really good..."

A blonde woman walks up to us, smiling. "Sebbi, did you find the soy milk? I've got the fruits..." She looks at me, tilting her head sideways.

I look at her, brushing back my hair before bringing my eyes back to Seba as he speaks.

"Uh, Y/N, this is... this is Alejandra, my, uh, girlfriend... Ale, this is Y/N... she just moved to New York..."

Alejandra shoots him a look, grabbing his hand before smiling at me, but it doesn't reach her eyes. "You're the famous Y/N?"

I frown and shrug my shoulders. "I guess I am, although I'm not sure what makes me famous... it's nice to meet you, Alejandra." I smile at them and pat Sebastian's arm. "It was really nice seeing you... I'm gonna go to get everything done before all the nice trees are sold. Someone told me that happens pretty fast here in New York."

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