way home

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I walked back to our AirBnB we rented for the time on Rhodes Island and packed my back that night. I had a beer or two before I booked the flight back and went to bed around 1 am, waiting for Sebastian to come back.

But he didn't come home that night.

My alarm went off around 6 in the morning and I got up and looked if he maybe slept in the living room but he wasn't there. I showered quickly and tidied up before I grabbed my backpack and my small suitcase and took a last look around the flat.

My heart ached at the thought of leaving Sebastian without seeing him again before I head back to the US. I put on my sunglasses and left the keys on the counter before I stepped out and bumped into him.

"Seba?" I looked up at met his eyes, exhausted and tired, reddened, as if he did an all nighter.

"You're really leaving for him...?" He ran a hand through his hair.

I sighed. "I told you, Seba, he's my best friend... since I'm 6 years old. He needs me now..."

"Will you always run back to him? Because... I know he's your best friend, Y/N, but he's not everything, you know? I thought we had something here..."

I let go of the suitcase and took his hand. "We have something, Seba... I didn't lie to you when I said I love you... but Chris is a huge part of my life... and I hate it when he's sad..." I sighed and stepped towards him but he didn't wrap his arms around me as he usually would have done.

"Will you fuck with him again?", his voice was low but serious.

"No... I've got you, Seba, why should I cheat on you?" I pulled back and put one hand on his chest. I looked up to him but he avoided eye contact.

"No, you don't have me... at this point I think this was an illusion, Y/N. A nice try to forget the life at home, running away as you'd call it. I think... I can't live with just being the second choice..."

A shiver ran down my spine and I took a step back. "You are not the second choice, Seba..."

"Stay, then..." He finally looked up and our eyes met. "Stay here with me... he's an adult, Y/N, he can do this on his own... you weren't there the first time he got cheated on..."

"Don't make me choose between you and him, Seba, it's..." I shook my head and held back my tears.

"It will always be him, right?" He scoffs and shook his head before he opened the door to the flat. "I hope you get to Boston safe... I'll see you then, Y/N."

And with that he just got in and let the door fall shut.

And I got on the plane to Boston.


I look out of the small window, wiping away the tears.

Is this the right decision? Being there for your best friend? I always thought it's the right decision but right now all I wanna do is get back to Greece and be with Sebastian. He showed me a side of myself I didn't even know I had. Like...

I close my eyes and think about the night in Athen right after we got arrested.

"Come on, Y/N, don't be a spoilsport. Just let us do it." Sebastian cupped my face with his hands, his eyes wide in excitement. He laughed.

"Let's get matching tattoos. Like, in the neck. Right here." He touched my neck. "Made in Greece."

"But we're not made in Greece, Seba! It would be a lie!" I laughed and grabbed his hands.

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