08/2015 - athen

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Sebastian and I arrived in Athen yesterday after the shooting for Civil War was wrapped up.

There were no other incidents between Sebastian and Chris luckily. But we had amazing sex. Seba and I, I mean.

I put on my bikini in our hotel room. "Come on, I wanna go to the beach! We can rent a scooter and you're driving!"

He laughs and shakes his head. "Alright baby, we do that." He puts a shirt on and slips into white sneakers.

I put a short summer dress on. After that I grab my sunglasses and laugh. "Ready for some crazy action shit?" I extend my hand to him and he grabs it.

"With you? Always." He presses his lips on mine on our way out and I laugh and follow him.

It's hot outside and sunny, the sky is blue and the city is crowded. Sebastian is talking to the guy from the rental company and comes out with keys, smiling at me. "I got us a Vespa. Cool, huh?"

I follow him to a blue Vespa which is pretty old. "Just my style. Perfect."

We both put on helmets as we get on the Vespa. I wrap my arms around him and feel his abs beneath his shirt as he starts the engine and starts to drive slowly.

"Oh this is gonna be great!", he shouts back and I laugh. The wind is warm as it hits my face and he's maneuvering the Vespa through the traffic until I can already smell the salty sea. I smile and watch the landscape rush by.

"Where do you wanna stop?", he asks and I shrug my shoulders.

"Somewhere not so crowded? I wanna have some time with you!", I reply and look at the crowded beaches. "Maybe just a little more outside of the town?"

He nods and we go further until the houses are getting rarely and the beaches get emptier. After nearly an hour he pulls up and stops the engine. I climb down and take off the helmet.

"It's so beautiful here, isn't it?" I smile at him and he smiles back.

"It really is."

We secure the helmets on the handlebars and I run down to the beach, undressing myself until I'm only wearing my bikini, running into the waves laughing. I turn back and see Sebastian running to me, screaming.

"Oh no, no no no!" I laugh as he lifts me up and runs deeper into the water before throwing me into it. I dive up and stroke my hair back, laughing.

"You're a dork!" I splash water at him but he just laughs.

"Yeah but you love it!"

I grin at him and swim away from him, the sea open and wide and blue as his eyes.

"You're right, I love it! This is the best thing I've ever done. Running away to Greece with you."

I turn around to see him swimming right behind me, pulling me into his arms now. I wrap my arms around his neck.

"Oh we ran away? Really?" His hands rest on my butt and I wrap my legs around him.

"Didn't we? Like, it wasn't planned that I'm coming with you. Feels like we ran away to have amazing sex in foreign cities, doing crazy shit like... just driving to the beach, being happy..."

I run my hand through his hair and his eyes light up as he laughs, scrunching his nose.

"Okay yeah it really feels like we ran away. I'm glad you're here, Y/N..."

"I'm glad I'm here, too..." I grin and lean down to kiss him, one hand in his hair and the other one on his cheek. I lick his lips with the tip of my tongue, demanding entrance he's willing to permit. He parts his lips and his tongue teases mine.

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