Captain America: Civil War World Premiere

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Tonight is the World Premiere of the third Captain America movie. Chris asked me to accompany him, and I'm scared because I'll see Sebastian again. The first time since Greece. We didn't text or had a call yet.

Chris wears a dark blue suit with a tie. I'm standing in my underwear in front of the wardrobe, pulling out some elegant pants.

"Wait, I've got something for you to wear!", Chris smiles and hands me a black box with engraved letters on it. Looking expensive.

"You bought me a dress for this?" I take it and look up to him. "Chris..."

"Just open it, honey, you'll love it, I swear. It's simple and elegant and you'll look amazing in it." He softly caresses my cheek and I open the box carefully to unwrap a black ribbon. I carefully take a dark dress out of it.

It has long sleeves and a really huge V-neck, seems like an A-line. It's in a dark blue, matching his suit.

"Do you like it?", he asks, gently kissing my shoulder.

"It's beautiful... but I don't have heels to wear for this...", I look up to him.

"Don't worry, put it on. I've got some for you." He walks out of the bedroom and I look after him. I put on the dress and look at myself, running my hands gently over the thick fabric. A shiver runs down my spine. It's a beautiful dress, but it's not mine. It's conservative and the fabric is thick.

I take off my bra because it would show in the cutout and I adjust my boobs with my hands. I bite my lip and run a hand through my hair.

That's not myself looking back at me in the mirror.

Chris comes back, smiling. "Wow! Wow, you look astonishing, honey... that's... wow... I'm speechless!" He puts a box on the bed and opens it. It's a pair of black high heels with a red sole.

"Are those ... wait, are those Louboutin heels?"

He kneels down in front of me, helping me to slip into the shoes. I steady myself on his shoulder.

"The saleswoman said these are super comfy and they match with the dress..."

I slip in the shoes and let go of his shoulder to turn around and look at me in the mirror.

"As if it's made for you...", Chris face lights up and I smile at him.

"Thank you, sugar boo... we should go, we're already late by now..."


We arrive at the premiere a little late, but that doesn't matter. I take Chris' hand and step out of the car, squeezing his hand to calm him down.

"Can you stay by my side?", he whispers in my ear and I nod.

"Sure, it's okay. You'll be fine." I give him a reassuring smile and he nods, waving at some fans now before he goes off to sign things and take pictures with them. I watch him from behind, smiling.

He really got better with all this lately, his panic attacks calmed down a lot. He'd say it's because of me being around him but I doubt that.

I look around and wave at Robert and Mackie, both waiting for us to finally come over there. I pat Chris' back.

"Wanna go on? The boys are already waiting!" I smile at Chris and he nods, grinning now.

"Yeah of course, let's go." He waves at the fans one last time before he puts his arm around my waist, leading me to the two.

"Hey Robert, Mackie! What's up?" He greets them with a short handshake combined with a small hug.

"Fine, and you?" Mackie grins at me. "I was hoping you'd join us again today!" He pulls me into a hug and I smile, patting his back.

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