08/2015 - berlin

690 28 41

I'm at the set to the new movie Civil War in Berlin now with Chris and Sebastian, well, I'm surprising them because I just landed and now I'm getting to the hotel where they're staying at.

Y/N: Chris, you at the hotel?

I look at the hotel in front of the Brandenburger Gate, it's called Adlon . I walk inside but am held back by the security.

"Entschuldigen Sie, aber haben Sie hier ein Zimmer?"

I look at him confused. "I'm sorry.... what?"

"Excuse me, Miss, do you have a room here? Are you staying at this hotel?"

"Uh, I'm visiting my friend here."

"Which room? We'll call him to ask if that's okay." He leads me to the reception.

"But I wanted to surprise him!"

He gives me a weird look and I sigh.


I turn around and see Sebastian. "Seba!" I smile. "Hi!" I leave the reception and come to him and we hug. "Nice to see you!"

"Wow, Chris didn't tell me you're coming!", he says, rubbing my back. I laugh.

"Surprise! I wanted to surprise him but then they won't let me... so..." I back away and smile at him. "Wow you look ripped, mate! What's that, beefy dude?" I poke in his chest. "Fuck that's hard!"

He laughs and puts his arm around my neck. "Come on, kiddo. Chris is still shooting. Want to eat something?" He waves the security off and we go to his room.

"Oh shit yes, but first I'm in for a shower if that's okay. I've been traveling for 10 hours straight. Or 12?"

He laughs and opens the room to his door. "Just go ahead." We go in and I look around.

"Huge!" I let down my backpack und kneel down to search for clothes and my toiletry bag.

"Well, it really is. But well." He kicks off his shoes, smiling. "Wow we haven't seen for a while! How are you? Anything new?"

I get up and smile at him. "Yeah, I'm fine, and you? Everything's as it was, well, I'm single again but hey, I tried. What about Margarita and you? Still happy?"

He shrugs his shoulders. "Not really. Long distance wasn't working tho we really tried." He smiles. "But it's okay. It turned out we're just too different after all. So, mind if I join you?" He points to the bathroom.

"Uh huh, providing something that I can lick?" I laugh and go into the bathroom, unpacking my shampoo and soap. "If you want, I don't mind. Already seen you naked. Although I'm intrigued what you look like now, mate, I mean... look at you!"

He laughs and grabs some clothes. "Well, just wait and see. Chris is shooting late today, so we have plenty of time."

"Can you last plenty of time? Cause I can." I put on the shower before I take off my clothes and get into the shower. I close my eyes as the water hits my skin. "Gosh this is so good... the flight was so long!"

"Need a massage?", he asks and I can feel him behind me, softly putting my hair to the front and massaging my shoulders.

"Hmm... that feels even better..." I let my head fall to my chest slightly to give him more room to massage my shoulders and my neck. His hands are soft.

"How long are you going to stay?", he asks while putting more pressure to the massage.

"I don't know, I haven't decided yet. I bought a one way ticket cause it was way cheaper. Now I'm stuck here obviously. Why?"

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