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Chris drops me off at the LAX now to fly to New York for Seba's birthday. I'm going to stay for two weeks at his place for the first time now since our agreement. I feel weird about this but also I'm happy to see him again.

On our ride we're both silent. At the airport he pulls me into his arms and sighs.

"This is harder than I thought...", Chris says, his voice muffled by his hidden face in my hair. I rub his back.

"Chris, there's always the option of cancelling everything, you know? You can always say stop, you don't want it. Every one of us can."

"But you're so excited to see him again finally so... just do it, okay? It's the first time, we'll see how it turns out in the future, alright?" He presses a soft kiss on my forehead and I look up to him.

"Okay... alright, we'll do that, then..." I smile at him. "Don't burn the house down."

"I'll watch out. Don't worry. Don't forget about me." He gently runs his thumb over my cheek.

"I won't." I stand up on my tiptoes to kiss him goodbye before I grab the suitcase and drop it off.

It's a really weird feeling leaving Chris but on the other side seeing Seba again. Knowing it's alright to get back to things were in Greece. But still... weird because of Chris.

On the plane I'm writing for my column again, of course I'm writing about love triangles and love corners, and the differences because right now I feel like I'm having everything and nothing at all at the same time.

I sigh and close the laptop, shoving it back into my backpack and look out of the small window. Sooner or later I will have to make a choice, I know that. It's the only right thing to do so, but... who would you choose?

The guy that's always been there, always been your best friend... we've gone through thick and thin together, or do you choose the guy making you feel special, making you do things you'd never do without him? Feeling lightweight and going on adventures?

Because Seba definitely does that. With him I'm carefree, I just live and I love every second with him. With him I'm... I feel like I can do everything I always wanted to do but always was too scared of what others would think or just...

I rub my face and fasten the seatbelt as soon as the plane begins to land. My heart skips some beats now as my mind realizes I'm going to see him again. In some minutes. A huge silly smile appears on my face.


I walk out of the door, looking around for Sebastian but at first I can't see him. It's so crowded here. For fucks sake...


I turn around and see him running towards me, waving like a maniac. I laugh and let go of the suitcase to run to him, wrapping my arms around his neck as he wraps his around me, lifting me up easily and steadying me by my thighs.  I wrap my legs around his waist.

"I fucking missed you so much...", his voice is raspy and he presses his lips on mine, his tongue gently licks my lips.

"I missed you, too...", I mumble against his lips, sucking his tongue in to hold it between my teeth.

I pull away and smile at him. "I'm so curious what you're home looks like to be honest. I can't wait! We've got two weeks now!"

"I know, babe. You'll love it. Come on, I made you some space in my wardrobe!" He lets me down and grabs my suitcase.

I laugh and follow him out of the airport. "So that means I'm moving in with you?"

He smirks and puts his arm around my shoulders. "Will you ever sell your small apartment?"

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