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It's June 12th today and tomorrow is Chris' birthday. We're celebrating his birthday with a trip to  the Santa Monica Pier. It's kind of a tradition, we used to go there when we were younger. Well, I think he mostly did it because I was way younger but... well, since then, every year it's possible, we spend our birthdays at the pier and the Pac Park. 

I pull up at Chris' house around noon, parking my car next to an unknown one. I don't know anyone of his friends in LA drives... wait, it's a rental car. He's got visitors!

I climb out of my car and get inside.

"Chris?", I shout while I hang my keys on the board next to the door. 

I look around and continue to go inside, first stop the kitchen. As always I take a look in the fridge.

Again, proteins over proteins but wait... uh, that's a cake! He's an absolute cutie pie. I take the cake and cut it into pieces before I grab plates and forks and the cake before continuing my way through the house. He's not in the living room either but there are people outside. Chris with a woman and... wait, is that Sebastian?

I walk outside with a huge smile. "Hey you! I was looking for you, birthday boy. I didn't know you invited someone! Hey Seba", I smile at him before I place the cake and plates on the table.

"Y/N! Finally! Damn I knew you'd bring out the cake!", Chris laughs and I hug him, kissing him on the cheek. "Happy birthday old man, you're what, 43? 51? No wait, uh.... 38?"

He hugs me back, pulling me close and laughs. "I always knew you suck at maths, kiddo, but this  is a new level. Try again or are you already drunk?"

"No fucktard, I'm definitely not drunk. Just teasing. I know you're 33." I laugh and we let go of each other. Sebastian got up.

"Hey Y/N!", he smiles and we hug.

"Hey Seba... I like your beard, makes you look wiser and older." I pat his back and he laughs. 

"No one's ever going to be wiser than you. Although you're just a baby."

We let go and I grin at him. "So did you follow my advice?" I tilt my head to the woman and he nods, smiling.

"Y/N, this is Margarita Levieva. Margarita, that's Y/N. Chris' best friend." He pulls her close now, his hand at her back and she smiles at me.

"It's so nice to meet you, Y/N, they were talking about you so much. Don't worry, I only heard good things!" 

We hug very short and I laugh. "Oh I really doubt that, Chris' always spills shitty stories first. But I do the same, I guess that's just how it works. Nice to meet you, too, Sebastian told me about you!" I smile. "So, are you coming with us to the Pier later?"

Chris sits down next to me while Sebastian and Margarita sit down across from us, I put a piece of cake on each plate.

"Uh, Pier? Wait, you mean your birthday tradition?", Sebastian asks and takes the plate I'm handing to him. Margarita takes hers as well.

"Yeah, right!" I grin at Chris and he takes the plate. 

"You should come, it's always fun. Especially when I'm forcing her into the roller coasters. She hates them." He laughs and I take my cake, laughing. 

"Oh yeah, you'll get payback someday. Like, I'm going to visit you in Germany when you're filming there for your next Captain America movie and you know what? We're going to a fun park and we're going to ride every damn roller coaster there. Or, hold on, let me google the worlds worst roller coaster and you'll take me there on my birthday. On your costs, no matter where it is."

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