the incident

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The next evening I'm out and about in Berlin to eat with Chris.

"Damn I really can't believe you're here! And you arrived yesterday already? Where did you stay?", he asks while drinking his beer.

"I wanted to surprise you yesterday already, but I met Sebastian and he told me you're working late. So... I stayed at his." I smile and shrug my shoulders.

"You slept at his room?", Chris asks. "Wait... my room is next to his. Oh... OH!", he shouts out, making everyone look at us.

"Dude, be quiet!", I laugh and shake my head.

„You had sex with him? The whole night!", he whisper yells now.

„He's really good at it...", I say and grab the menu to decide what I want to eat.

Chris shakes his head, laughing now. "I should've known it's you, the way you moan is one of a kind..."

"Dude!", I laugh and slap his shoulder. "Stop talking now, just choose your dish, please."

"Y/N? Chris?", a familiar voice behind me asks. "You didn't make it far!" Sebastian laughs and I turn around to look at him.

"Well, we decided to eat here tonight. Wanna join? Come, take a seat." Chris gets up and sits down next to me, so Sebastian has to sit across. I shake my head and smirk at Sebastian.

"How was shooting today? Chris refused to tell me anything about work." I slide him the menu and he winks at me as he takes it.

"It was okay. Exhausting but... we've wrapped shootings in Berlin today. We're off to Leipzig tomorrow. You're coming with us, right?"

"I don't think she'll leave now that she has obviously amazing sex with my co-star." Chris says, holding back his laughter.

Sebastian looks at him before he shoots me a look. "You told him?"

I shake my head. "No I didn't need to... well, he heard us and I told him I slept at your room. Like, I didn't know his room was next to yours mate!"

Chris bursts out laughing now, holding his left boob again. "And I know exactly how she sounds like while having sex. But I didn't think it's her last night because as far as I knew she should've been in Los Angeles!"

I roll my eyes and join in his laughter. "Well, obviously not in Los Angeles." I wink at Sebastian.

"No, definitely not. But damn, what happened when you were like: "don't stop, this feels so fucking good"?", he asks and looks at me. "What did he do to do?"

"Uhh... well, uh...", I blush and bite my lip at the memory of last night. "Well... well it was something out of my sex-spiration for sure."

Chris laughs harder now and I grab my soda to take a sip as he does his typical left boob grab at me. I shoot him a side look, raising my eyebrow and put down the glass.


"Dude, seriously?!" Sebastian jumps up and slaps Chris' arm away, hitting the beer and making it fall down the table with a loud clang.

Everyone around us is looking at us again.

"Mates, please calm down okay?" Chris gets up now, too, building himself up in front of Sebastian. He's not really a lot taller than Seba but he's more beefy.

"What is your problem?!", Chris spits out.

I get up und throw some money on the table before grabbing my bag and squeeze myself between them.

"Stop the stupid testosterone, boys. Stop it right now. You're childish."

They both continue to stare at each other.

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