10/2015 - greece

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It's a warm summer night and I dig my toes into the sand on the beach just outside of Athen. It's quite here and you can see a lot of stars beside the moon. Sebastian lays next to me, both a little bit lightheaded from the wine we shared.

"Do you want to marry someday?", I ask him, turning my head to study his face. He had grown a light beard which suits him a lot. I love it. His lips curl up and he laughs. 

"Yes, yes I want to. I dream of a beach wedding with the love of my life, you know, everything's light and easy. I'd wear a linen suite and a bow tie because I think they're pretty cool... and I imagine my bride to be wears some cool dress, flowing, you know? And maybe flowers in her hair."

I close my eyes as I try to imagine that and smile. "Hmm... maybe on Hawaii somewhere with hibiscus in my hair. I can imagine that, yeah..."

He laughs and turns his head to face me, softly stroking my hair back. "You can imagine marrying me? On Hawaii?"

I open my eyes and meet his ocean eyes. They're so deep I love to get lost in them.

"Sure I can, Seba... I mean, we could do it in Greece, right? We already ran away... we could take a step further."

He smiles and presses his soft lips on my forehead, cupping my cheek with his hand. "Do you really want to?"

"Well at some point in my life I would like to marry, yeah...", I start but he interrupts me.

"At the latest when you're 30 because you're marrying Evans then, right?" I can hint a little jealousy in his voice and I grab his wrist softly and kiss his palm.

"Stop talking about Chris now." I roll onto him, my knees in the sand beside his hips, my hands propping myself up beside his head. 

"I would like to marry someone I love... and at this point... I can imagine to marry you, Sebastian. I'm not saying we should do it right here, right now... or tomorrow... but I can imagine it... to be with you."

My hair tickles his skin and his eyes flicker now as the black takes over the bright blue.

"I could imagine marrying you, too...", he says quiet and slow, cupping my face to pull me down and kiss me. 


Some days later I sit on our bed with my legs tucked under my butt and I write an article for the New York Times when he comes home from his shoot today. His hair is wet and his shirt open, I can see his chest and his upper abs. 

I bite my lip and watch him over the edge of my screen. 

"I like what I see here... but before you try anything... I need to finish this first." 

He laughs, his lips curl upwards and he crawls onto the bed, grabbing my ankles and pulls my legs to stretch them.

I laugh und put the laptop on the nightstand before it falls down. "Seba! I need to get it done, I'm deadly serious!"

"But we had to shoot such a fucking hot scene and now you're sitting here with nothing on but you're little bikini... I can't...", he says as he kisses the inner of my thighs, softly teasing the sensitive skin with the tip of his tongue.

I bite my lip and spread my legs to make room for him. "Fuck it, I was writing about spontaneous sex, so I guess...  you're giving me the perfect inspiration..."

He laughs and he takes off my slip. "You want inspiration, huh? And... can I take my time for it or do you want it fast and rough?" He takes off his shirt and grins.

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