Chapter 4

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"Wait, his name is Zeke Parker? As in the Zeke everyone is gushing about how hot he is and stuff?"

"Yeah, that Zeke." Nellie sighs as Ellie writes something into the revenge book.

"And if he and Carter are siblings, how come they don't have the same surname?" I scrunch up my nose in confusion.

"That was the same thing I was thinking." Ellie mumbles behind her book.

"It can be that they're half brothers or he was adopted or they're not really brothers, probably just cousins or something." Nell answers shrugging.

"Oh okay, so what's the plan?"

"It's pretty simple. Just make him fall for you and dump him later. But remember one thing, make sure you don't fall for him." Ellie  says.

"Don't worry, I don't plan to." I say.

"Atta girl." Ellie smiles, "So on prom night, by then, both of you would have gotten acquainted. You'll then break up with him in front of everyone, so he can know how I felt when he rejected me."

I nod slowly, I like this plan.


"I found out he is in your English class, try to invite him over to lunch today." Ellie says as we reach our locker, the next Monday.

"Won't he like, recognize you guys?"

"I doubt, I had brown hair by then and he didn't even know Nellie." Ell shrugs.

The bell then soon rings. They both throw me a thumbs up as they walk to their class.

I enter the class and as usual Ms. Finlay isn't there. She always makes sure to come twenty minutes after the lesson starts. I move my eyes around the class and I spot Carter.

He looks happy.

A part of me still hurts knowing I won't be the cause of that pretty smile on his equally pretty face.

My eyes divert from his way and I see a group of people grouped around a table. It doesn't take a genius to know the owner of the table the girls are surrounding.

The infamous Zeke Parker.

I need to do something to get his attention. And I need to be quick.

"Zeke Parker." I shout loudly, making all eyes travel to me.

I'm quick to spot him. He's really good looking and he isn't hard to miss him. He has a bad boy aura all around him and I must admit, he's hot.

"Uh . . ." I totally blank out and just stand there looking like a fool.

"What do you want whore?" A whiny blonde girl asks giving me a look. She happens to be on of Zeke's 'fan girls'. She also happens to be the girl I caught in the washroom with Carter the other time.

"Funny, especially coming from you." I murmur but she hears.

"Excuse me?!"

"Principal Wales wants to see you, Zeke Parker." I ignore her and say the first thing that comes into my mind.

He comes to me right then and gives me a smirk and I melt. He casually places an arm around me and even from behind me, I can feel the glare Carter is giving us.

I smirk loving that kind of reaction. We both walk out of the class. We keep on walking in silence to wherever until Zeke suddenly stops.

"Why did you stop?" I ask stopping too.

He rolls his eyes, "Drop the act, I know the reason why we're here.

"Um, why?"

He smirks and I swoon, "Come on, stop playing dumb." He comes few closer to me.

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