Chapter 13

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I'm in my house and currently, my parents are looking for a babysitter for me.

You read right, my parents are looking for a babysitter for me.

Like, what the -

Apparently, I'm not mature enough to take care of myself since I keep on doing really dumb stuff. I told my parents that was really odd and unnecessary but they weren't having it.

Our conversation from earlier keeps on playing in my head like a broken record.

"Young lady, where on earth have you been?!" Mum screeched and I'm pretty sure the whole of America heard her.

"Darling, there's no need to shout that lo-" Dad started but stopped at the glare mum was giving him.

"Mum, dad, I can explain -"

"Explain why you stole your seized phone and went out last night to God knows where? And why you're wearing a guy's clothing?" Mum cut me off.

"It's not what you think it is. I didn't shag any boy yesterday. I promise, you guys have to believe me -"

"Believe you?" Mum let out a sarcastic laugh, "You went out last night even after you were grounded and you want me to believe you?"

"I agree with your mum. We're highly disappointed in you. I could have boasted in the past that, my Lexi would never go behind our backs and do whatever but now, I'm not so sure." Dad said, disappointment seeping through his words.

"I'm so sorry. There was this party going on and I really wanted to go. I'm sorry." My voice fell as I looked down feeling totally disappointed in myself too.

"Go wait for us inside. Your dad and I will think of the right punishment for you."

So they ended up deciding that, I needed a babysitter. Even though I'm not so happy with their decision, who am I to talk?

The doorbell rings cutting my out of my train of thoughts. It's certainly not my parents, they don't knock to come into their own house

I walk to the door, look into the peep hole and find Zeke with his friends behind him. I'm a bit confused to why he's here but I open the door anyway.

"Zeke, what the hell are you doing here?"

He smirks, "I'm your -"

"Look if it's one of your stupid plans to let me sneak out, then I'm not interested. Because of you, my parents are finding me a babysitter or teensitter should I say in my case. Not to add that, I'm now working at their workplaces as part of my punishment and you know the worst part, I'm not even getting paid -" I start.

"I am your teensitter, Alexis."

"Wait, rewind, your parents chose Zeke as your babysitter?" Nellie asks the the next day at my house after having breakfast with my parents. Since it's a Sunday, they'll be going to work latter than usual, that's the only reason why they're allowing the twins to stay over for a while.

"Yeah apparently." I sigh and roll my eyes.

Ellie snorts while Nellie start laughing loudly.

"Seriously you guys?" I give them look. They obviously ignore it and continue laughing.

"This clearly shows you weren't born for breaking rules. Just continue being the miss two goody shoes you are." Ell says.

"I'm not miss two goody shoes." I cross my hands over my chest.

"Oh yes you are." They say together and just then, the doorbell rings.

"I'm not getting it." Both of them say.

Sighing, I walk to the door and look through the peephole to see Zeke and his friends. Reluctantly, I open the door and let them in.

As soon as Ian's eyes meet Nellie, he starts singing, "I've found the love, for mee. Darling just dive in -"

"Ian can you just shut up already and what on earth are you doing here?" Nellie gives him a look.

"Zeke, Beck and I are ZIB."

"And what's that supposed to be?" Nell raises her eyebrow.

"It's our teensitters club." Ian smirks throwing me a look. I glare back at him.

This causes the twins together with the boys to laugh out loud. At point, I wish I never told them about it.

Shortly after their laughter dies down both my parents come downstairs and my mum smiles as soon as her eyes meet Zeke.

"Oh Zeke dear, thanks so much for agreeing to come and babysit my daughter, along with your friends."

"It's okay ma'am. I'm more than glad to put my experience in babysitting into practice." Zeke smirks and I glare hard at him.

"Thanks." She then turns her eyes to the twins, "How are you girls?"

"We're great Emma."

In a matter of 5 minutes, the twins and my parents leave the house and now, I'm stuck with the boys! Just then Ian suddenly shouts.

"Let's have a singing competition!"

I groan, this is going to be a long day.


For about a week now, Zeke along with his friends have been teensitting me. I rarely spend time with my real friends, my parents don't allow the twins over anymore saying I'm bad influence to them.

We do meet in school but we don't talk that much. Also, my phone has been taken away meaning no calling or texting for me.

I could literally die now.

The farthest I've been from home nowadays is school. I'm always here, stuck indoors. Now, I completely regret going out that night with Zeke.

Man, I miss my liberty.

"Zeke, can we please go out?" I ask suddenly.

Today is another Sunday but they boys are not with him. Beck dislocated his knee at his basketball game on Friday, as for Ian, he's still trying to woo my friend, Nellie.

And since Nellie is going on a date with her current boyfriend at the cinema, Ian found it the right time to also go to the cinema.

She's so killing me if she finds out that I disclosed the location of their date to Ian.

Zeke smirks, "So soon?"

I roll my eyes at him as he gets a complete different meaning of what I'm asking, "Don't flatter yourself. I just want to get out of the house. I'm tired of staying indoors."

"You go out to school everyday."

Yet again, I roll my eyes at him, "You know what I mean."

"No I don't." He says simply going back to what he was doing. Tapping on his phone - shocker!

"Zeke!" I whine as I check the time. It's almost 3, meaning my parents will be home in about 4 hours. That's a lot of time to go out and have some fun.


"Please let's go out."

"As your teensitter, that would be very unprofessional of me to let you out -"

"Cut the cow dung."

A smile grazes on his luscious lips, "Cow dung."

"You know what I mean. Let's just get out of his house. We can go where ever you want."

"Oh really?"

"Yes." I nod vigorously.

Zeke smirks widely.

Just then, I'm not so sure of my answer.


Hey people! Another chapter for you all.

Thanks for reading. Byee!

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