Chapter 24

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Okay, okay, so before you judge me for not telling Zeke the truth like planned, I just couldn't okay?

You should have seen the dude's face, he was just so happy! I just couldn't break his heart! That would just be very mean.

So yeah, for now, I'm going to keep things away from him till prom ends. Then, I promise, I'm actually going to tell him. Like for real this time, I'm not even kidding.

Anyways, finals just ended!!

Everyone was serious, working their butts off to ace their finals. No one cared about their social status or anything, we were all thinking about our finals and the aftermath, prom.

Today is Friday and we just finished writing our last paper. As soon as the teachers collected the papers back, everyone - including me - started gushing about prom, their dates and their outfits.

"Let's have a sleepover this weekend! I can't wait for you all see the outfit I picked!" Belle squeaks happily.

I think everyone has shopped for prom, apart from me. I need to get something quick. Prom is in less than a week and if I'm not lucky, I might not get a dress nice enough. I was busily bustling my butt off for the finals, I totally forgot about prom shopping.

"Oh 'em gee! That's so exciting!" One of the girls squeaks back.

Approving murmurs spreads through the girls and soon, one by one they all leave. I wait for Belle to finish packing stuff and we say our goodbyes, with me promising to come for the sleepover.

As I also go to my locker and start packing my stuff, I feel a presence behind me. The unmistakable smell of Zeke's perfume fills my senses as he wraps his strong arms around my waist, hugging me from behind.

"Zekey." I say as I turn and face him, a smirk on my face.

"What's that?"

"Your new nickname, what do you think?" I smirk as we both start walking to his motor, his arm draped over my neck.

"I don't like it."

"Then you better start liking it Zekey." I say again making him groan.

We meet up with the others at the parking lot and by the others, I mean, Ian, Beck, Nell and Ell. I pretend as if the twins are not there and just converse with the boys.

So yeah, I still haven't spoken to them yet. At this point, I don't really have any excuse. I just cannot face them, okay?!

"Hey, can I have a word with you, Lexi?" Nell comes to me.

I look away, unable to meet her eyes.

"Please?" She widens her eyes slightly.

I sigh, "Okay."

We move a safe distance from the boys and Nell starts, "What's wrong Lexi? You've just been ignoring us. What did we do to you? What did I do?"

I sigh, "Look I don't really think we should speak now."

"No Lexi, we need to speak. What exactly did we do?"

I sigh again, "I just cannot go through with the plan again."

"What?" She gives me a look, "What are you talking about?"

"I kinda really like Zeke now." I say and shake my head, "I'm really sorry."

"Alexis, you can't just do that!" She says as she turns and look at Ellie from a distance, "You cannot do that to Ellie, she'll be crashed. You're going for the guy she's been after for years."

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