Chapter 5

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"So, what next?" I ask as I eat my tacos.

Nellie, Ellie and I are currently at my dad's restaurant discussing our next move.

"Go with the flow. You guys can start by being friends and see where it ends you. Well, I heard he is having his first party next week or so, try to get us invited. Your relationship can move to another level by then." Ell says as she rapidly writes something in the revenge book.

"How will she do it?" Nell asks as she sips her lemonade.

Ell thinks for a heartbeat, "Well -"

"Hi." A soft voice cuts us short. We look in the direction of the voice, only to find Belle at our booth. She smiles and takes the empty space by me.

Ell quickly closes the book and puts it in her bag. I don't exactly think it is the best idea for Belle to see our plans, considering the fact she is friends with Zeke and Carter.

"Oh hello." Nellie smiles at her.

"Hi Nell, thanks so much for the other time. You're totally a lifesaver." Belle smiles back.

"Wait, you guys are already on nickname basis?" Ellie's eyes dance from Nell to Belle.

Nellie rolls her eyes, "Stop being dramatic. She wanted help with some math work and I helped a friend out."

"Helped a friend out? She is your friend?" Ellie casts her an incredulous look.


"She is not our friend."

"Can you guys excuse us for a minute?" Nellie practically drags Ellie out of the booth to wherever.

The table goes silent for a second or two before Belle smiles brightly at me, "So, this is your dad's place?"


"It's nice." She smiles and the table goes silent again.


I see her fiddling with a pretty bracelet on her hand as she stares into space. Unlike every about her, the bracelet is an ordinary bracelet. It's simple but nice anyways.

"Nice bracelet." I say.

She smiles at me, "Thanks. This is the only thing I have that reminds me of my mother."

I say nothing at that even though I'm confused. I thought she lived with her mother.

"Just go clarify, my mother died a couple years ago; she had leukemia." She sighed, "Who I live with now is my step mum."

"I'm so sorry about that."

She gives me a sad smile, "It's okay. Because of this, my dad and I are working on a charity project; to raise money to help leukemia patients and also do free screening for leukemia patients. I'm pretty sure my mum would have lived if we found out sooner."

In the heat of the moment, I give her a quick sympathetic hug.

She breaks away from our hug and takes out a tissue and cleans her face. The table falls silent again and soon, I see the twins walking back towards us.

"I think it's time I take my leave." Belle gets up.

"Finally." Ellie says as she sits on her seat.

"Ignore her." Nellie says as she waves her. I also wave her till she is out of sight.

"Really Ellie? Even after everything I told you." Nellie says casting her twin a look.

"Look, people like her can't be trusted. I mean, she doesn't even spare us a glance and suddenly one day she wants us to friends. Doesn't that seem a bit suspicious?"


I enter my history class and close the door behind me. Thankfully, Mr. Adams is not in yet. I scan the room and find an empty spot at the back. I'm about to walk to the seat until I hear my name.

It's Belle and she motions me to come sit by her. I find it a bit weird but just out of courtesy, I walk up to her and take the empty seat next to her.

"Thanks for the seat." I say.

"It's okay. We're now friends so." She smiles back. Just then, Zeke enters followed by Mr. Adams.

Zeke has a smirk on his face as he goes to the back and sits. He and his friends start conversing so loudly, Mr. Adams is forced to change him from where he's sitting.

"Miss De Cruz can you please exchange places with Mr. Parker?" Mr. Adam refers to Belle sitting next to me.

The class goes silence after the exchange. Mr. Adams continues his lecture with everyone, especially me paying rapt attention. Zeke starts playing with my hair, twisting and fiddling with it between his fingers.

"Zeke!" I throw him a warning glance.

"You have nice hair." He mumbles almost sultrily into ears. Butterflies erupt in my belly as I blush profusely.

"Uh - I -"

"Mr. Parker, one more word from you and you're getting a detention slip from me." Mr. Adams warns.

Zeke rolls his eyes at him and continues playing with my hair. I decide not to say nothing and just hope that he stops but of course he doesn't.

"So, this brings me to your group work of the semester. By the way, I'll be pairing you guys up," He says emitting loud groans from people, he just ignores and continues, "Belle, Alexis and Zeke are in one group...."

This is a blessing and a curse at the same time. I can use this opportunity to get closer to Zeke but I know this clearly means I will have to do almost all the work in this group work.

Soon enough, the bell rings and I immediately stand up and beginning packing my stuff. Just then, Belle walks up to us smiling broadly.

"This is so great! Let's meet at my house this weekend!"

"Of course, sure." I say.

"Great, meet you guys during the weekend then, bye!" She smiles again and walks away with her friends.

I get up too and pack my stuff, until I hear someone say in a low husky voice behind me, "You still owe me a kiss."

I don't need to turn to know who is behind me, Zeke Windsor.

This weekend is surely going to be interesting.


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-Bav <33

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