Chapter 6

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Later in the evening, I close my eyes as I drape my duvet over me. Not even a second later, my phone rings loudly on my night stand.

I decide to ignore it as I keep on sleeping.

"Switch the *bleep* thing off! Some of us are trying to sleep here!" Chance yells from his room.

I roll my eyes at that. Chance is definitely not sleeping. He's probably playing video games or doing something else. . .

. . .if you get what I mean.

I get up anyways with a frown and answer my phone. It surprises me since it's Nellie.

"I'M CURSED!!!" She yells loudly on the other end.


"I know is sounds crazy but I am cursed. I think my whole family is cursed too!! That's why we keep on having failed relationships. Like my dad, my mum died, my sister only does flings and for me, any boyfriend I have either cheats on me or does something equally horrible. Well - Wait, what's more horrible than a boy cheating on a girl or vice versa? Lemme think," she pauses for a moment but before I can even come in, she continues, "I know! When they can't tear a tissue well! I mean the dotted lines are there for a reason! Anyways -"

"Wait, wait, wait, you called me at," I remove my phone from my ears and check the time, "12:06 am to tell me your family is cursed?!!"

"Oh well . . . ."


The next morning, we're having breakfast as usual with me dozing off of the dining table. I barely got any sleep last night thanks to Nellie talking my ears off for 2 hours straight.

I'm still trying to eat when our doorbell rings. Dad opens the door and my friends walk through.

"Hello, my favourite parents in the world!!" Nellie cries as she dramatically wraps her hand around both my parents neck.

"Hey." Ellie just says to both of them and sits by me and starts chomping on my food.

Um, rude!!!

"Hello Chance and hi Lexi!!" She smiles, hugging me too.

Okay, something is definitely wrong.

I throw Ellie a look but she just shrugs in response, taking a huge bite of my food which is now hers.

I mean Nellie used to this bubbly in the past until her boyfriend broke up with her months ago. It's either she has a new boyfriend or she actually believes her family is cursed.

I shudder at the thought.

"Gotta go guys," Chance says suddenly leaving the table.

"Yeah, we have to leave too, we have work." My mum says giving me a kiss on the cheek and my dad too does same.

The house goes silent for a while before Nellie speaks up.

"So what do we do today?" Nellie smiles.

"Well, I have a study date with Zeke and Belle in the afternoon."

"Really?" They both say together.


"That's amazing! You need to get us invites to that party." Ellie says and all I can do is just nod.


"This is pretty easy -"

"Can we go on a break already?I'm tired!" Belle moans scrunching up her face.

I look over to see Zeke who is grinning at something on his phone. Even from here, I can see the outline of something that looks like boobs.

I try my best not to get annoyed. This certainly is not the first or second or third time we're stopping for a break but fourth time.

And we started just 20 minutes ago!

"Can you wait for some time, we need to -"

"No!!! I need to take in my diet shake now." Belle cuts in and even without waiting for an answer, she stomps out.

Don't get angry, don't get angry, don't angry, Lexi.

I look around Belle's study room and try not to get too surprised. Everything looks so posh and fancy out here, I totally feel out of place.

I remember how shocked I was as soon as I entered the mansion. A huge fountain that had water running out was the first thing to catch my eye when I stepped in. The building before me looked like castle with it's excellent architecture design.

Zeke's bellows out suddenly making my eyes turn to him.

"Hey, wanna hear a joke?" He turns to me out of a sudden making my eyes snap to meet his.


"What goes in dry and comes out wet?" He asks smirking widely.

"Zeke!" I give him a look, my naughty brain all over the place.

"It's a chewing gum." He says "You're nasty for thinking that."

I laugh at that and then ask, "Hey, do you even know my name?"

"Honestly no, but I can guess it." He says giving me a look.

"Okay, what's it then?" I ask.

"You look like a Sofia." He says and I give him a look.


"Okay, Angela?"


"It's got to be this!" He says, "Marissa!"


He sighs, "I give up, what's it?"

"Alexis." I answer.

"Ooh, beautiful." He smirks and then a look of recognition flashes in his eyes, "Wait that name sounds familiar. Did you go out with Carter?"

"Yeah." I sigh, "Probably one of the worst decisions of my life."

"What did he do?"

"He cheated." I say.

He sighs and shakes his head, "Why am I even surprised? He's an ass."

I laugh, I couldn't have said it anything better myself.

"Honestly though he is a fool if he cheated on a girl like you." Zeke says.

"I know, right?" I say, "I mean, I am the ideal package after all!"

"Conceited much?"

We both chuckle at this.

"I'm having a party this weekend, you're invited." He says ever so causally as he goes back to his phone.

This is honestly going on much better than I expected.


"Mhm." He nods.

"Thanks." I smile, "Can I bring friends?"

"Sure, so far as I get my kiss at the end of the day." He winks at me and I blush.


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