Chapter 21

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"Wait, you have a helmet?" My eyes widen as I stare at the two new helmets Zeke's holding.

"Yeah, here you go." He hands me one and it fits me perfectly. Zeke too puts his on and trust me, it makes him even hotter.

He gets on it first and I follow his lead. I press my chest to his back, wrapping my arms around his midriff. Surprisingly, Zeke moves like a sane rider for the first time ever.

About 15 minutes later, Zeke comes to a halt. We're in front of a cute dinner, called, Bob and Matt Eatery. The place is nothing extravagant but it's pretty and cute. I notice the 'close sign' hanging from inside and turn to face Zeke.

"I think the place is closed up."

He gives me a small smile, "Don't worry."

He opens the door and allows me to enter first, then he also comes in. The place is pitch black but before I can comment on that, the light goes on. A small gasp emits from my lips when I look around.

The walls are beige in colour and there are some portraits hanging on the walls. However, what catches my eye the most is the table right in the middle of the room, with two chairs. White roses and tulips are scattered beautifully on the floor.

"What is this?" I ask, looking around in complete awe.

"Our date." Zeke smiles, "I rented the place just for both of us tonight."

"Wait, really?"


"Wow, this is so nice and pretty Zeke, you really shouldn't have done all this." I mumble still finding it all hard to believe.

He rolls his eyes at me, "Alexis, you deserve this and even more."

I blush at his comment. He being the gentleman he is, pulls a chair for me and I sit on it. He moves to the opposite side of the table and he sits directly across me.

A waiter comes and takes our orders, starting with the appetizers. I then ask him, "How did you get this place for the night?"

"A co worker of mine's uncle or something owns this place and said I could borrow it for the night." He responds.

"Wow." I smile, "That's really cool. Thanks a lot for this Zeke."

"Like I said, anything for you." He smiles.

Soon, our food comes in and we dig in, having a conversation in the process. The food is good. The place is nice. And I'm enjoying this date.

"So any plans for college?" I ask as I sink my teeth into my chocolate mousse, our dessert.

He shakes his head, "I don't think college is for me; my grades are bad and the thought of going to school again for another four years just makes me want to kill myself."

I laugh, "I get where you're coming from. So is there anything you will like to do instead?"

He sighs defeated, "I'm not really talented. I can't cook, sing, act, paint etc. I'm literally talentless, if that's even a word."

"Don't say that. I'm pretty sure you'll find passion in something soon. I also don't know what to do with my life after high school." I shrug.

"That makes two of us then."

Silence hangs in the air as we both finish our desserts. In a matter of minutes, we're done eating and the waitress comes for our plates.

"I guess this is where we call it a night."

"No." He says almost immediately, "I mean, we don't have to end the night. That's if you don't mind. After all, your dad didn't mention curfew."

I smile, "Okay. What do you suggest we do then?"

"Can you play pool?"

"Are you calling for a challenge, Mr. Windsor?" I raise my eyebrows.

"Is that a subtle way of saying you can play?" He smirks.

"I guess. So what do you think about a challenge?"

"Bring it on."


"Zeke, stop sulking. It's possibly not my fault I can play pool better than you." I roll my eyes as Zeke sulks some more.

"That's because I let you win." He mumbles as he hastily puts on his helmet and helps me with mine.

"Yeah, sure." I roll my eyes at his antics, giggling. He sits on the bike and I follow his lead, sitting right behind him, wrapping my hands around this mid section.

He rides like a pro and I cling to him for my dear life. As we keep maneuvering through the streets, something drops on my forearm. I look at it and just then, another one follows, followed by an another in that manner.

So yeah, it's raining!

It's freaking raining!!

"Zeke! We need to stop." I say as the rain start falling on us harder than before.

Zeke gets off the street and unto the sidewalk. He stops the motor and rides it to the front of a store where there is some shade. Zeke and I also stand there as we wait for the rain to stop.

Time flies by and the rain still hasn't made any attempt to stop, if anything it falls harder. Zeke tried to take a taxi for me but I downright refused him. I didn't have any money and I don't want to take his either. He'll definitely not allow me to pay back even though he's going through hard times.

Seriously, all bad boys are huge softies at heart.

Suddenly, a grin breaks on Zeke's face. I raise my eyebrow in a questioning manner. There's nothing here to be worth smiling for.

"Let's dance in the rain." He suggests.

"Won't we freeze or something?" My teeth is still chattering even though we are under a shade.

"No, our bodies will keep us warm. C'mon, let's do it." He brings out his right hand.

Without hesitance, I place mine into his and we both jump into the rain. Zeke plays some cheesy love song in the background as we both step into the rain.

And like the two crazed teens we are, we start dancing. The feeling I feel is pure bliss; that of having someone you like so close to you, forgetting about the world around you and only focusing on yourselves.I'm sure he feels that too.

The song comes to an end but our proximity doesn't. We keep on dancing, not to any tune in particular, just enjoying the feeling of our arms around each other.

I don't know if it seconds minutes or even hours but the rain finally comes to a halt. Zeke looks effortlessly hot with his now wet clothes clinging to his body and his hair now wet and ruffled. I stand on my tip toes and press my cold blue lips to his.

We pull so close to each other, there's no more breathing space between us, not that I'm complaining. When we're out of breath, we part away from each other, taking in whiffs of really needed oxygen.

"I guess it's time to end the date." He says.

I smile, "Yeah, the perfect way to end a date."

On that note, we kiss again.


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