Chapter 18

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"Let's make a taco." Zeke suggests.

Since we weren't able to go out for our date - it's quite late now - we decided to have an indoor date. We're going make some food and eat it ourselves, enjoying the presence of each other.

I give him a look, "You can't even make a toast, Zeke. What makes you think you think you can make a taco?"

"Okay then, what do you suggest?" Zeke crosses his arm over his chest.

"Let's just order some food."

"Nope, if you are not cooking, I am cooking tonight. You can just stand here and watch me as I cook." Zeke says, opening the fridge to take out the ingredients for the taco.

"Zeke, I don't think you need to use both fruits and vegetables together for a taco." I eye the stuff on the counter.

"Well, it's a my taco so I add anything I want." He says, chopping the fruits and vegetables, with the knife pointing at a weird angle.

"Zeke, are you sure about this? I know some taco place that's opened 24/7. . . " I trail off.

Zeke ignores me, doing whatever. I roll my eyes at him and walk out of the kitchen back to the living room where I try to find something to watch.

I keep on glancing at Zeke every now and then but he doesn't even spare me a look, doing his own thing.

Few minutes later, a loud wail falls out his lips. My eyes snap towards him but he just raises his hand, "It's okay, I'm fine."

I decide to go to him but he shoos me away, "No, no it's fine, really. Just watch your movie. Dinner will be ready in no time."

After one more look, I go back to my seat, watching what I was watching earlier. Again, after some time, Zeke screams.

This time around, I ignore his protests and walk to him to find out what's happening. He's clutching a bloody finger, he cut himself. Whatever is on fire, is boiling but I don't pay much attention to that, as I direct my gaze back to Zeke.

"You can't even cut common vegetables," I'm talking as if I can, "See, you just cut yourself. Lemme go get the first aid box."

I grab it from the shelf and get to work. As I clean his bloodied finger, I keep on grumbling on how Zeke doesn't listen to anything. All that while, Zeke just stares at me, a faint smile on his lips. I decide to ignore it but it gets way too much so I raise my head and I see him staring at me.

"You're acting like my mother now. It's cute." His smile widens.

I smile too, "I hope you don't see me like your mother."

"Of course not. There's something more." He smirks as he lands a small peck on my lips.

That 'small peck on the lips' turns into a full make out section, with my hands around his neck and his firmly around my waist, sparks flying everywhere.

We break apart abruptly, our chests heaving in anticipation. Then I take in a whiff of air. I smell something burn. I think Zeke smells it too because, he turns and switches off the stove, with dark fume everywhere.


Thankfully, the fire alarm didn't go off.

Zeke and I cleaned up the mess and ended up ordering some food. The food arrived some minutes ago and as at now, we're both lazily sprawled on the floor, our bellies full with the meal we had earlier.

"I'm so full." I say in a song song voice, drifting off to sleep.

Zeke smiles lazily, "Come let's cuddle."

"You knew, the 'bad boy' liked cuddling." I roll over to his side and he immediately engulfs me in his arms.

"Shut up." His face visibly heats up.

"Aww, there's nothing to be shy of." I coo into his ear making his face hotter.

I think we both fall sleep because, the next time I open my eyes, the morning sun is now peeking through the curtains into the living room.

Still in daze, I look around and realize we did end up sleeping on the floor in the living room. I look at Zeke, who's arm and legs are still intertwined with mine.

"Wake up sleepyhead." I whisper to him.

He wakes up with a smile on his face, "Best night of my life."

"Mine too." I say, "You can use either the washroom in my room or downstairs. I can also get you some of dad's clothes."

"Sure, thanks." He smiles.

I walk upstairs to the attic, where I find some of my dad's old hoodies and jeans for him. I send it downstairs for him and go to my own room to have a shower myself.

After a hot shower, I brush my teeth and do hair. Today, I decide to put on some effort in my dressing since Zeke's here. I don't think he really minds when he sees me in my worst but it wouldn't hurt to actually out in some effort.

I put on a comfortable pair of baggy jeans and I pair it with an oversized sweater. With a brown belt strapped around my waist, I decide to go makeup free and let my hair go around me.

I open my phone and numerous messages from the twins and my parents come flooding in. I respond to each of their messages and promise to call them later. I obviously tell the twins, the date went extremely well with Zeke being such a darling, blah, blah, blah.

Putting the phone in my pocket, along with some money, I walk downstairs. Zeke has also finished his shower and he's in a black hoodie, that's slightly bigger for him but the jeans fit perfectly.

"Let's go out for breakfast?" I ask.

"Who knew you were so eager to ask me out again?" Zeke smirks.

"Don't flatter yourself."

We both get out of the house, going to the nearest cafe. We spend the morning, talking about meaningless nothings. 

During our breakfast, Zeke invites the twins and I to come over with him and his friends as they did some annual camp thing next weekend. Ian and Beck used to do it before Zeke joined their group and this time around they're inviting us. I obviously accept it, happy I'll get the chance to get more closer to Zeke.

We spend the rest of our weekend, lost in our own little bubble.

I know I shouldn't be having these feelings but I do like Zeke and I'm not pretending  because of the plan.


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