Chapter 20

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"So how's she?" Mum asks as we eat dinner later in the evening.

"Um, who?" I raise my eyebrow up.

"Your grandmother, who else?"

"Oh yeah. She's fine now." I say, lying smoothly.

"That's good to hear. Hopefully you didn't give her too much problems." Dad comes in.

"Of course not dad." I reply with a huge smile.

After some few moments of silence, mum looks at me and speaks up, "So I was wondering, what do you really want to do when you're done with high school? Like, do you have any course in mind you would like to do?"

I sigh and look at my food. Honestly, I don't know. I'm not gifted like my parents, my mum can draw and paint, something I cannot do and my dad cooks for a living, again, something I cannot do. I'm not really passionate about something that will drive me to go do it in future.

"I don't know." I mumble, my voice small.

"But do you have special interests in anything?" Mum continues.

I think for a heart beat, "No."

"It's okay darling, you'll figure it out in time -" My dad barely finishes his sentence when the doorbell rings.

Mum gets up and goes to the door and almost immediately, she shrieks, "Zeke! Come in dear! What a pleasant surprise!"

I raise my eyebrows in utter confusion as Zeke struts into the room. If I remember clearly, he didn't tell me he was coming. Something he could have easily done since my phone is now with me. My parents have not bothered to collect it back after the trip to my 'grandmothers.'

"Hello sir." He greets my dad.

He smiles, "Hey son, how nice of you to join us for dinner! Emma, hurry, give him something to eat."

My mum gets to work and goes to the kitchen, taking an extra place. She comes back and starts scooping some food for him.

"No really, it's okay sir and ma'am." Zeke says.

"Nonsense, no one comes here and leaves on an empty stomach."

I face Zeke and mouth to him, "What the hell are you doing here?"

He just smirks and mouths back, "Wait and find out."

My parents have a conversation with Zeke, totally ignoring me. No surprises there. It's like my parents forget about me and Chance (if he's here) when Zeke comes.

When Zeke is halfway though eating, he drops his fork and finally starts to state the reason why he's here, "Um so ma'am and sir, Alexis and I have been friends for quite a for a while now and I'm interested in her so I want to take her out on a date. I just wanted to see what you think."

My eyes widen at his revelation and I'm unable to think. What the hell is he doing?!?

Both my parents dramatically drop their forks and look intently at each other. I close my eyes, expecting the worse but suddenly, I hear them coo, "Aww!"

Yeah, my dad included.

"Wait, what?" I open my eyes.

"Is that a yes?" Zeke asks, his eye twinkling with hope.

"Of course son! You're more than allowed to take her out. That's really considerate of you to come and ask her parents' permission. Kids these days rarely do stuff like this. So of course, you're more than allowed." Dad smiles widely, almost making my jaw drop.

"Yes!" Zeke fist bumps the air, throwing me a wink.

"I trust you with her and I know you're not going to break her heart so, I'm not worried." Mum too smiles.

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