Chapter 22

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"Achoo!" I let out a loud sneeze, the sound resonating all throughout the house.

Almost immediately, my parents burst into my room. They immediately give me a questioning  look.

A second later, Chance too walks in and he asks,

"What's happening here?"

"I think I have a cold." I moan.

Mum gives me a look and walks towards me to check my temperature, considering the fact I've been pulling this card more than once when I don't want to go to school.

She flinches and moves away when her cold hand comes into contact with my burning forehead. So yeah, I'm really sick. My head hurts badly and my body aches. Not to talk about my runny nose.

I could barely sleep last night. I kept blowing my nose, my trash is even full and all my tissue is finished. I'm quite surprised I didn't wake anyone up with all the sneezing sounds I was making.

Dad too moves closer and touches my forehead, "You're burning up. I think you need to stay at home."

"But then, who'll take care of her? I don't think she can take car of herself." Mum says deep in thought.

"I uh, think I'm gonna go. Get well soon Lexi." Chance ruffles my hair and leaves my bedroom.

"You guys don't really have to stay, it's just a cold." I cough at the end.

"Look at you dear, you can't do anything for yourself. Of course not, we're not leaving you. We'll get you something to eat and find some medicine for you, okay?" Mum lovingly caresses my cheek.

I just nod in return, not having any energy to talk. They both leave my room. I let out another cough and sneeze, mucus running down from nose. I look around desperately for some tissue or something but I find nothing.

I remove my thick duvets from me and I shiver as the morning cold air swirls around me. Making sure not to step into used tissues or anything, I walk to my washroom and find a new pack of tissue. I blow my nose and decide to send the whole pack to my room so I won't have to walk to and fro for tissues.

I put it on my bedside locker and roll into bed, draping my duvet around me. My bedroom door opens and my parents come in, with dad holding a tray with something that looks like soup.

"Sweetie, I have to go to work but your father will be here with you, okay?" Mum comes and places a soft kiss on my forehead.

"Okay mum." A pale smile forms on my lips. After kissing my cheek one more time, she leaves my room.

"Here you go dear, try to drink something, and in the meanwhile,  I'll phone our doctor to come prescribe some medications for you." Dad then says in a soft tone.

He helps me sit up, then, places the soup on my lap.

"Okay, thanks dad." I say. EVvn though I have no appetite now, I try to drink it.

Halfway through drinking my soup, the doctor comes in. He runs some tests, asks me some questions then comes to a conclusion that, it's just common cold and I'll get well soon enough if I take in the prescribed medications; he gives the prescription to dad.

They both walk out to talk and leave me on my own. As I keep on drinking, I only stop for a while to sneeze or cough.

Dad soon comes in, "I need to buy these drugs for you but I don't want to leave you here."

"It's okay dad, it's not like I'm on the brink of death or something, achoo!" I sneeze at the end. Dad gives me a tissue and I blow my with it, filling the poor tissue with my mucus.

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