Chapter 16

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As soon as the morning sun peeks through my curtains and finally into my room, a smile breaks on face even before I open my eyes. I flutter my eyes open, yawn and sit up straight, still smiling from ear to ear.

I lick my lips remembering the feeling of his hot lips and body on mine. . . .

Okay, okay, before you get ahead of yourself, Zeke and I didn't shag. I'm not going to give my virginity to a guy just 'cause of some stupid plan.

My smile drops, everything's just a plan. But it didn't feel like a plan when I kissed him. . .

'Do not fall for Zeke.' Ellie's warning voice rings in my ears, loud and clear.

"Alexis? Won't you get up? It's already 7:39!" Chance shouts from downstairs.

My eyes widen in shock when I check the time and realize, he's telling the truth. Oh my God, I'm going to be so late for school today!!

In my panic mode, I jump off my bed but I end up falling face flat. I groan in pain as I try to sit up, but instead I twist my hand into a weird angle.

A cry falls off my lips when I finally detangle myself.

I sluggishly walk to my washroom and gasp when I look at myself in the mirror. My forehead is now bright red and ouch! it hurts.

"Alexis?! Your friends are in!" Chance shouts again but this time his voice is further. I think he's leaving the house.

"Tell them I'm coming!" I shout back as I hastily remove my clothes and jump into the shower. In a matter of 2 minutes, I'm done.

I run back to my room and put on the first things I find. I then wear my shoes, pick up my bag which still contains my stuff from yesterday and run down the stairs, thankfully not breaking my ankle or falling.

After I lock the house, I run into the car. In there, Nellie is practically fuming since, I have wasted like 20 minutes of our time whereas, Ellie looks nonchalant behind the steering wheel, tapping on her phone.

"I know I'm late and I'm sorry. I -"

"Start the car Ellie, she's in." Nell cuts in, her tone sharp.

"Jeez sis, stop being such a nerd. Missing first period is nothing." Ellie says as she puts her phone away.

With that statement, we end up listening to Nell go on and on, about the advantages of lessons and why we should not miss even one of them till we reach school.

There, the whole place is deserted. I check the time and realize it's already 8:20 and class starts at 8. I guess the explains that.

Nellie  storms out angrily while Ellie sits back and picks up her phone again. I give her a look, "Are you not going to going get down?"

"No, I'm bunking with Beck." She smirks.

"Okaaaay." I state slowly and get out of the car when I see Beck coming closer.

I rush to my first class which includes Zeke. And of course, I'm given detention when I enter.

Groaning, I go and sit at the back of the class. Right by Zeke who looks like he has no interest in the class and is tapping on his phone under his desk. I study his features for a while and just then, a blush creeps to my cheeks when I remember yesterday's kiss.

Even though Carter was a good kisser, he definitely can't surpass Zeke. Zeke is the best kisser in the world, no exaggerating.

Zeke smirks, his eyes meeting mine, "Hello beautiful."

"Mr. Windsor, care to share with the class what you just said to Miss Martinez?" The teacher says, attracting everyone's attention to us.

"No." Zeke's tone is flat.

The teacher glares spitefully at Zeke and hands him detention.

This makes another smile for on my face.

Maybe, detention is not going to be so bad after all.


I enter the detention class, and guess my luck, Zeke and I are the only people on detention.


"Hello princess." He smirks, winking.

The teacher as usual, gets out and locks the door behind him with an excuse he's going to the washroom. I roll my eyes at that.

I turn to look at Zeke again and realize he's staring at me. I find myself blushing for the umpteen today.

"Let's play a game. Winner gets to ask the loser to do anything they want. And the loser has no other option but to oblige." Zeke says.

"Sure." I shrug.

"Whoever starts will randomly list anything under any category and the other person will have to guess whether the first person likes that thing. Do you get it?" He asks using hand gestures.

Slowly, I shake my head.

He just smiles, "Wait, lemme start. Lemon is my favourite fruit, true or false?"

"And I'm supposed to guess whether it's true or false?" I raise an eyebrow.

"Yes. So will you start?"

I nod, "I love classical music, true or false?"

"Uh false?"

"Yeah. I loathe classical music, it's my mum's favourite though." I shrug.

With that, we continue the game till the end of detention. We end up on a tie so we get to ask one more question.

"I'm prefer chicken nuggets over chicken tenders." He says to me.

"Yes you do." I mean, who doesn't love them some nuggets!

"Nope." He shakes his head. Apparently Zeke.

"Chicken nuggets are literally the best, what the hell?!" I give him a look as I shake my head.

"No, they're not. Now, I just won!" He smiles, "So I get to ask you to do anything and you will have to do it."


"Let's go on a date on Friday. I'll come and pick you up."


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