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Hello everyone out there! This is my first story and I'm happy you've decided to give it a try.

As I said earlier, it's my first story so it might not be the best but it gets better as the story progresses.

Ps. It's not edited so there are going to be some mistakes here and there.

So yeah, that's all for now. I wish y'all a happy reading!



I enter the washroom and start retouching my makeup. I'm not really in make up but I like feeling pretty for my boyfriend Carter.

I lay my makeup items on the sink - more like the borrowed make up items - and start dabbing my face with it. Just then, I hear some moans and groans from one of the stalls and my face scrunches up.

People in my school are well . . .

It gets louder by the second and I apply my makeup more hastily, just wanting to get out of here as soon as possible. When I'm done, I put my hair into a bun and start packing my stuff.

The place gets quiet after some seconds, I'll take it as they're done with whatever they were doing. Then, I some footsteps behind me.

Before I can walk out, I'm tempted to look behind me and see who they are. I decide to give into temptation and I turn. The moment I do, I regret it.

It's Carter; my boyfriend. He was in the washroom with some blonde girl.

They were the ones in the washroom few minutes ago.

At first, I'm shocked, my own boyfriend who I had been with for 9 months now was cheating on me! Then I feel heartbreak. How could he do that to me? I begin sobbing and just run out of the washroom.

"Lexi!" Carter calls out but I'm long gone, running out of the washroom as fast I can.

He calls my name over and over again but I ignore him and run even faster out of the school compound and make my way to my house.

I can't believe that twat just cheated on me. We both agreed not to do the deed yet and here he was, sticking it into some other bimbo!

I try to say to myself it's his loss and he'll never find a girl like me again but that doesn't numb the pain nor does it make it any better. In fact, it just increases my pain.

I run to my room the moment I enter my house and sleep on my bed, crying myself to sleep.


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