Chapter 27

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Zeke: Can we meet up at Tom's Burgers' 7 tonight?

I stare at the message and I try not to scream. Zeke is texting me?!! After the whole scandal, he hasn't been at school and has been avoiding me and of course I've tried getting to him but it's all in vain.

A week later and exactly a week to graduation, he has finally texted me. Still hyperventilating, I screen shot the message and send it to Nell. Almost immediately, my phone rings in hand.

I sit up on my bed and put my phone to my ear, "Hi."

"No, there's no need for greetings! What the hell was that?!" She asks.

"I don't even know! I'm so scared!" I say to her as I try to think of what exactly Zeke would want to say to me.

"Do you have any idea what he wants to talk about?" Nell asks.

"No. Maybe he wants up to make up or something." I say sounding very hopefully.

"I highly doubt that." Nell says at the other end.

My bubble bursts as I think of the worst "Or maybe, he's going to tell me he has a new girlfriend! Oh no! Then what I'm I going to do?! Zeke can't just leave me for some girl! I love him! No he can't do that -"

"Wait, wait, wait, rewind. You what?!" Nell shouts making my ear drums bleed.

"What?" I ask having no idea to what's she's saying.

"You love Zeke?"

"Oh my God." I say, "I  love him."

"Holy *bleep*! You're kidding, right?!"

"No! I do love him. Oh my God, I love Zeke! I wonder if he does too." My voice falls and I immediately know the answer, "He probably doesn't, especially after everything."

"Don't say that." Even Nell herself doesn't sound so sure, "I'll come over soon."

She arrives about 15 minutes later. She helps me choose something to wear and all that while, I'm full of nerves.

What could Zeke possibly want?

Nellie tries to be all supportive and tells me that no matter what Zeke says to me, it's probably for the best and I should just accept it in good fate.

"I'm still so scared though." I sigh, "I don't know what I'm gonna do if he tells me he wants to end it once and for all."

"Alexis, you had a life before Zeke and trust me, you'll have a life after Zeke. No matter what he says, just know that I'll be here for you and everything will be fine." She says to me.

I nod, forcing myself to believe her, "You're right. I'll be fine."

"Good." She smiles and hugs me, "C'mon, let's go."

My parents who by now have heard about me meeting up with Zeke just wish me luck and just like Nellie they reassure me that everything is going to be fine and that I don't have to worry.

Nellie and I then get into the car and the whole while, I try to convince myself that everything is fine and everything will just go back to how it was.

"Here we are." Nell stops right in front of the burger place when we arrive. I immediately spot Zeke outside the store right next to his bike just tapping away on his phone.

"Thanks a lot for everything Nell." I smile graces my lips.

"That's what best friends are for," She smiles back, "Remember to call me in case of anything, okay?"

"Sure thing." I get out of the car and wave Nell till she's out of sight.

I walk to Zeke and the moment I'm close enough I smile, "Hey."

He doesn't return my smile.

He slowly raises his head and his eyes meet mine, "We need to break up."

"What?" My smile wipes of my face when I hear those words. The words I was so scared to hear.

"I want to be in a relationship where I can trust my partner and after what you did, I don't think I can ever trust you again. I mean, our entire relationship was built on a lie!" He yelled clearly not happy.

"I know and you don't know how awful I feel, I'm so sorry." I say to him, "After Carter broke up with me, I was just so mad and I wanted to get back at him and Ellie brought up this plan and I just went through with it. I regret it so much, I'm so sorry."

"It doesn't matter Alexis, I just don't think I can do this anymore. I can't be with someone who lied to me. We were together for months, months Alexis, you had all that time to tell me but you didn't."

"I wanted to but there was just never a perfect chance." I say crying, "It was eating me up inside Zeke, that was the reason why I stopped talking to you for sometime. I just felt so guilty!"

"It's still not an excuse, you should have told me anyway." He said.

"I know nothing I say is going to make my actions justified but I want you to know that I am so sorry for everything. I'm sorry I lied, I'm sorry I went through with Ellie's plan. I really like you and you mean a lot to me." I say to him.

He sighs deeply and looks into my eyes, "I like you too Alexis, it's crazy how much I like you. You make me happy and I love spending time with you."

I take his hand, "Then maybe let's give this relationship another chance. We can have a clean slate, just the two of us and no one else."

He stared at me looking a little bit hesitant.

"If you like me as much as you say you do, then you'd be willing to give us another chance. It doesn't have to end here and you know that. We can do this Zeke and you have my word, I will never ever lie to you again. I promise you that." I said to him.

He slips his hand out of mine, "I don't know Alexis. Maybe we do need a break, you know. To gather our thoughts and whatnot, then we can start on a clean slate. This is all just too much and I need time."

"Of course, of course Zeke." I nod with a small smile on my face, "Take all the time you need in the world, I'll be right here."

He smiles and comes forward and hugs me, "Thanks for understanding."


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