Chapter 17

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Ellie stands behind me, styling my hair while Nellie does my makeup. So yeah, today is the long awaited day.

The day, I'm finally going on a date with Zeke.

My parents and Chance, obviously know nothing about this. Chance is going back to Mexico to visit his parents and my parents are going with him. I got to know, when he left, he wasn't on good terms with them so my parents are going with him to do whatever.

This means, I have the whole house to myself for the whole weekend.

By now, they think my teensitter is with me, making sure I'm staying home.

Little do they know, he's the reason why I'm going out in the first place.

"Now go put on your dress." Nell shoos when she's done with my make up.

I put on the dress picked out for me by the twins. I then put on my shoes and some jewelry.

In all, I look beautiful. The dress does justice to my figure and the make up compliments my skin. With a smile on my face, I walk out of my bathroom and go to my room.

Nellie smiles, "Girl, you look so hot!"

"Yeah, Nellie's right. You look gorgeous." Ellie too smiles.

"Thanks a lot guys." I give them a smile of my own too.

Soon, the twins leave, I put everything in place, and go downstairs to wait for Zeke.


2 hours and forty five minutes later, I know for sure Zeke is not coming.

My shoes are now sitting on the stairs, my bag on the floor, my perfectly curled hair is now thrown over my head in a very messy bun and my makeup is for sure ruined.

I'm now sitting on the sofa, watching Marley and Me, a movie I have watched at least thousand times, eating popcorn. With this movie, at least, I have an excuse to cry.

This is so embarrassing. I get all dolled up for my date and he doesn't even show up. He doesn't even have the decency to call my phone or send me a text.

The twins texted me but I was like the date was going on fine and I switched of my phone. Like I said earlier, I'm so embarrassed.

This feels like deja vu, when I was back in my dad's place waiting for Zeke to make an appearance and yet, he bailed out on me and came several hours later with the excuse, he was busy.

At this point, I'm crying. I close my eyes and try to block out everything. I curl myself into a ball around the huge popcorn bowl and sleep.

The  indistinctive knock from outside makes me open my eyes slowly.

I realize the movie has finished playing and now the credits are rolling. Again, I hear another knock from outside. I sit up and check the time.

10:40 pm.

I walk to the door and check in the peephole. The person I see at the other end makes me gasp. I open the door fully to see if my eyes are playing tricks on me. But they're not.

Right in front of me is Zeke.

He's in a casual dark washed jeans with a black shirt and his trademark leather jacket. He's holding a bunch of tulips - my favourite - in his hand. His eyes look so tired and distant.

I had prepared a whole speech on how I was going to lash out at him for bailing out on not once but twice. Freaking twice.

But seeing him like this, all sad and tired makes my heart warm up and I decide against it almost immediately.

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